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Xiao Yue Shan's “I Have Seen My Country in the Most Outside of Places” — Socrates on the Beach

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I Have Seen My Country in the Most Outside of PlacesXiao Yue Shan

In Paolo Sorrentino’s The Great Beauty, there are two variations of the scene in which the film’s protagonist, a cavalier writer played by Toni Servillo, runs into the enthralling Fanny Ardant on an outdoor staircase, in the lurid Roman night. For the version released to theatres, the two cross paths to Servillo’s wide-eyed astonishment. Madame Ardant, he addresses her. The camera fixates to her silhouette as she turns, surprised less at the recognition than its sudden interruption of her long, step-by-step thoughts. Oui, she says, after the camera cuts back to Servillo. We don’t see their faces when they utter these brief acknowledgements. We witness, instead, the electric field of attention as it reaches out, as it penetrates the object of its fascination; we see reminiscence, thinking, fantasy. He smiles. The stoic, somehow-sad, somehow pleasured smile of someone remembering a much younger woman. She smiles back, not flirtatious but not void of desire, and tilts her head. After exchanging these silences, they bid each other bonne nuit, resuming their journeys into the warm, ancient dark. The scene lasts barely a minute.

The other version, which Sorrentino abandoned in favour of that anti-dialogue, is significantly longer, unfolding the striated contents of this stunning, torridly aching nothingness between them. In this parallel universe, Servillo is emboldened. May I say something a bit audacious? he asks her in a French heavy with Italian music. When I watched The Woman Next Doorand his voice stretches a little thin here, thinking—I fell a little bit in love. He shakes his head back and forth, as if willing the memory of her dark curls, her open blouse, her lunging embrace, out like water from the ears. She smiles that enigmatic smile—a perfect mirror-image of the shorter scene—before replying, May I also say something a bit audacious? We see her magic here when he assents, Of course, and her expression takes on an entirely new heaviness; her eyes—they’re not quite shining, but one can almost foresee tears welling up, in another story, on another night. I really wanted to be in The Woman Next Door. He wants to know: Why? She looks at him, and decades of cinema, of longing, of lying yourself into the truth—which is the actor’s vocation—passes between them, these two veterans of their trade. To die for love, she says. 

In the spring of 2022, sequestered in the olive verdure and low clouds of Tuscany, I watched these two configurations of the same moment, dozens of times. One after the other. In countless stopped frames and rewinds. I saw that Sorrentino had made the choice, in revision, to simply elide all those spoken lines from his footage. To leave only the smile, the gaze, the passing-between. Turning from the Fanny Ardant who recalled her carnal role in that Truffaut film and the Fanny Ardant who traded wordlessly with the unreadable night, I loved the precipice of the image when it changed—when it became one and not the other, when film betrayed its burden of reality to reveal its intentions, when the brightness of decision shatters the veil. I loved the broken conversation healed over by music, the heaviness of sights meeting in front of the camera’s guard, the choreography of a watched past and a watching present, as what goes unsaid in one world is said in another. How powerful silence is, one realises, when one knows what detonates and riles and resounds, directly beneath it.


There is a habit, of the writer, to take on the film cutter’s blades and trim certain lines, certain incidents or movements, from the long strips of recollection. It is done both out of necessity—for most of us lack a Fosse-esque vigilance to slights and particularities—and to serve language’s demand for control. Henry James once told us that: “relations stop nowhere, and the exquisite problem of the author is eternally but to draw, by a geometry of his own, the circle within which they shall happily appear to do so.” The fixation of the text cannot divert beyond the circle, cannot endlessly break off into ever longer tangents and fixations; we must always honour the centre and its gravity, the structural integrity of a duration rounded off from the chaos of time. When I want to translate a moment into text, I strike the conversations, I contour the light, I fixate on details—real or imaginary—that I could not back then. These memories, cultivated to cinematic standard, are done so to distill their beauty, their drama, or their perfect ephemerality. Their brevity—occurring in but a flash across the mind’s eye—carry along with them the invisible weight of years, of all that has happened and has never stopped happening. Only with a slight switch in thinking, one can draw a circle.

I was never enamoured with Italy by way of her enchantments, well-documented with the demure joy of Goethe, the aureate fragments of Vittorio De Seta, or the intimate discoveries of Jhumpa Lahiri. It wasn’t the artwork, the food, the dolce vita. What fascinated me instead about the long-romanced peninsula was that, despite its distinctions, it bore a striking resemblance to the country from which I came. Superficially, there are not many lines that can be drawn between the sprawling vastness of China and the thin curvature of Italy, not landscape nor history nor society’s patterns. Yet there was something undeniably familiar when I first walked through Milan, Naples, and Palermo in my mid-twenties, knitting my body into that frenetic topography—the mothers calling to their daughters from windows, the tapering streets marking their old labyrinthian logic, the vocal antics of everything alive, the heaviness of monuments, the bluntness that was really a front for what one could not or would not say, the intimacies of meal-sharing, the overbearing infrastructures of power both visible and invisible, and always, the celebration of spectacle. But beyond those common notes, beyond the comparisons of which I am certainly an insufficient measurer, the definitive quality by which these two countries coalesced in my mind was that, within their boundaries, there reigned a fierce, opulent pride. Ill-defined and in infinitely various costume, pride did not always take on the form of superiority or self-worth, but it certified that the idea of country would always pervade its people’s minds, that one could hold onto the solid fact of country and know it as immovable. It was this sense of not loving or hating your nation, but being inextricable from it, that raised the mirror between these two dazzling arenas. This, and the fact that this pride ruled alongside another monarch, equally as omnipotent but much less discernible—and that figure was silence.


For a long time, I did not know my grandfather’s name. He died a few years before I was born, and neither my mother nor my grandmother ever spoke intentionally of him in my presence. Occasionally, an anecdote would pass over the table—his sharp isolation of my mother from her teenage suitors, the late nights poured into his local party branch—but it never hinted at the greater portrait, never caught flame enough to shed light. There would be just enough said to open a door in the minds of those that knew him, and for I, who did not, the accounts were as innocuous as weather, without any sense of beginning or end. I never saw a single photograph, I never heard his voice, touched an article of his clothing, I never knowingly held a single object that he had held. I could fit him into my understanding of the world, but only in that he existed; he had come and left in some distant, unknown pattern, and in this way, he was in perfect agreement with death. 

It wasn’t only that my mother didn’t want to speak of him; we were simply not a family—and in this way we resemble many Chinese families—that flooded the present with the past. There were many things my mother kept from me, simply because they had no practical application in my life, and the act of bringing her life nearer, to invite an unshared history into our shared catalogue of memories, was to unnecessarily burden my world with things that did not belong to me. Such details are like the colour of the walls in the room in which I was born; the words others have whispered to me in my sleep; the structures that were destroyed and built over while I lived twenty years in another country, an ocean away. These oblique bones of experience are impossible to know, impossible to elucidate or decode, simply because they have been eclipsed by the bigger fact of living. Just as in chiaroscuro, darkness ripens the volume of light. 

The innumerable contours and aspects of the background hold the world steady on its foundations, giving reality shape. But as such they also come to be the boundaries that define one’s own territory of thinking—that which the outer world cannot trespass, and the inner mind cannot escape. My life is a monument to lost facts and pictures; after all the detritus of day-to-day living glides into the unsaid and the unremembered, what stays standing testifies to what has melted away. Every statue whispers to the non-statues. Every silence is embroidered with the unspoken. 

When I returned to Italy last spring, my mother accompanied me for a few days. Before dropping me off for my month-long residency, she and I walked through Milan. Doesn’t this remind you a little bit of China? I asked her as we strolled down Via Messina, her looking at the city’s version of Chinatown in slightly dazed happiness. Chinese people don’t sit around drinking wine in the middle of the afternoon, she retorted.


Luigi Barzini wrote it in The Italians: “the Chinese, too, love ceremonies, feasts, elaborate rites, deafening noise, fireworks, and good food. . . their art is also highly decorative and ingenious but not always deep. . .” But in reading the author’s critical, yet generous text of his country, I came across another passage that struck me as even more telling of the two nations’ affinities:

The struggle between what should be and what is, hypocrisy and sincerity, make-believe and reality, notoriously goes on everywhere. . . In Italy no one can afford to delude himself. . . The lower his condition the more vulnerable he is and the quicker he must recognise the real rules governing life in order not to prosper but merely to survive. . . Such rules, of course, are not written anywhere. They are suggested by proverbs, humourous mottoes on ash-trays, innuendoes, winks, or shrugs of the shoulder. Few Italians can avoid learning them, however, as they are taught by fear, humiliation, deception, and defeat.

In Tuscany, I stayed in a restored pieve which dates back to the 10th century. Throughout the month, I grew close to its owner, an architect who has been working on the restoration process for decades, and who has also since made it a home for traveling artists and writers, as well as seven birds, three (maybe four) cats, and an ursine, loving dog named Argo. Over cigarettes and globes of Chianti wine, I asked her about what it’s like to make something in Italy, a place where the past is not only with you but always looking over your shoulder, and whether the beautiful prowess of remains and ruins can overpower a mind attempting to draw a circle around the moment. The question came from my personal experience of trying to write in that oblivious, Romanesque building, looking over the slick stone walls and arched windows, the light that matured shades and gradients along the rhythm of the façade’s ancient pronunciations, and the way green—that most eternal and unpossessable of colours—flourished its variegating bouquet in the slopes and orchards, the way green reached all the way to the end of seeing. All of it took me deep into a splendidly defenceless silence, for all of it spoke—radiant, strange, immortal. 

She wasn’t in the business of making anything new, she told me. The vision had been established long ago, the materials set before her, the thought was finished. Her work was the bringing-together, to rejoin the invisible, severed links of the gone-structure and to attach them to the building we now sat in. To erase the in-between of catastrophe and decay, to calm down time and make it tranquil, slow again. It’s meant to be as if nothing ever happened. And in that never-happened, there is no forgetting; after a while, there will also be no remembering. The pieve with its blunt nave and Tuscan columns will wear the mask of its past self, and like this, years will pass, then decades, then centuries. The building, unchanged, will no longer recognise that what survives is not itself, but the illusive disorientation of always

In Beijng, the elite and the moneyed have come around to the philosophy of “natural architecture.” Exemplified by the sensitive and sleek predilections of western-educated virtuosos like Zhu Pei, the axioms of this trade focus on achieving a pleasing balance between minimalist, nature-envious forms, and ornate eastern traditions and theatrics. A museum with interlocking compartments of internal courtyards is offset by raw blocks of concrete. A city park sees foliage-covered blocks stacked up against a hollow frame, supposedly inspired by the classic rock gardens of Confucian thought. These buildings are the ultimate indulgence: beautiful and spacious, rich in insinuated antiquity, yet unmistakably contemporary. They pay tribute to the past by underscoring its annihilation. They love history because it is long and far and mutable, and destruction is imprinted in its very conception. It’s the continually tortuous question about the Ship of Theseus—is a machine that has had every single part replaced still the same machine? Except in this case, it isn’t the physical components that have been swapped out; it’s the people. Can we still think about those same old ideas from this completely different time, standing where we are now?

Cannot afford to delude himself, Barzini had said. Yet everywhere I went in Italy, I saw delusions. Denial that time had passed, denial that the essential plot of life was change, denial about what is forgotten and what is remembered—that what has disappeared from consciousness deserved to go, and what has endured is the eminent truth. And because I grew up in the close company of delusion, because I saw it hanging on all the walls and folded in between all the pages and darkened inside every mouth of where I was born, I felt it familiar—almost comforting, almost an old folktale. That is how one survives the brutal questions of country, the hollow plots and gardens of country: you must live in the illusion, all the while knowing what is stirring, right there beneath it, the unthought-of thing boiling on the other side. 

I cannot presume to know anything about Italy or the Italians. In the way of Roland Barthes, the Italy I speak of is the Italy of my mind—a place one goes to think of other places, as I’ve learned that every country one travels to will always be a site of mourning for one’s first country. But if such a mutuality between these two places exists, it is because there is no nation that can define itself singularly, and no societal theory that can be constituted without the same old schemes we have always hung our logic upon. The tensions between past and present, of happiness and freedom, of memory and truth. These two methodologies—the persistent Italian unchanging, the hyper Chinese dream of progress—are two ways of addressing the same vacancy: the void between where we came from and how we got here. 


I can’t stop thinking about Sorrentino. About Servillo and Ardant, about the staircase where two distinct histories intersect, about what happens when you purposefully replace noise with silence. I imagined that when the director looked at these two remarkable scenes before him, he opted for the mysterious to lend his film the dignity of the uncommunicable, the allure of coincidence, and the voiceless beauty of his city. And just like that, a single cut of the editor’s hand renders two completely distinct universes. Just as so many things can be said to have never happened, there are so many ways we, too, are constantly participating in this action of never happening.

Hélène Cixous described writing as “a way of leaving no space for death, of pushing back against forgetfulness, of never letting oneself be surprised by the abyss. Of never becoming resigned, consoled, never turning over in bed to face the wall and drift asleep again as if nothing had happened; as if nothing could happen.” When I first discovered this power innate in the act of writing, I had taken such words as a dictum to preserve: that forgetting was something to fear, that nothing could follow a lost instant, that writers are not only legislators but safekeepers, and we must constantly rescue our memories from silence and stillness. The potentiality of language to keep everything in its reins is intoxicating. Our libraries, dictionaries, museums are full of these bastions, of vestiges remaining on the shore like pebbles of soft-edged glass. Our most sacred institutions are made out of keepsakes, of what we collect, honour, and guard—of memory merging into history. And because I too honoured these palaces, these surviving captives from the funereal march of time, I looked back in the vanished exhibits of my youth with terror. I wanted to know who had escaped from the empty picture frames, I demanded that the days arrange themselves in some semblance of grammar, I had thought that truth could only come in the form of speech. Everything that had been left stranded in the vacated halls of my life, everything that had been humming its ongoingness just outside of my reach, the ability to write my way into them was the first glaring signification that literature was something more than beauty and music, more than lyric and more than theatre. It was the extraordinary assertion that the unknown is a material. That it could be given form like marble, like stone or wax, and be fitted to align in the atrium of the mind. I think this urgency to excavate, to interiorise everything, is a commonality between those who come to writing in an effort to articulate what has been kept from them—whether that be the archives of a nation, the secrets of a unviolent existence, or the name of a grandfather.

The emperor that gave China its most recognisable structure is also the one responsible for one of the most infamous book burnings in the country’s history. In destroying the historical records that depicted a different country than the one he unified, Qin Shi Huang held to the artist’s divine dream of creation: to rewrite the landscape, to rewrite the people, to rewrite origin as a way of writing greatness. In the centuries since, there have only been more attempts at erasure, more fractures in the tide, more rebirths. To speak of history in China is to speak at the guessed-at, the intuited, and an architecture whose foundations are sealed in faith—it is a country passionately in love with the premonition of its own newness. The great wall of the Qin dynasty is still standing, long curls of lace tracing the demarcation of my country’s ancient states; I see them with the same scope as all those who came before me—but we are secret from one another. The cord between them and I have been severed, by carelessness or recklessness, by irrevocable burials, by the radical appetite of pride. When I think of them, I think of the static crackle of the fire. 

The first poems I wrote were about China, and they were poems of speechlessness. They are poems to fill that terrifying instant when you open your mouth to answer a perfectly nondescript, pedestrian question—and no answer comes. Questions like: how is your family; what happened on this day; where are you from? Susan Sontag wrote to service her delirious appetite for a limitless number of different lives; I wrote first because I wanted to live more deeply in my own. In what I thought to be the tremendous gaps of my archives, I poured imagined realities, imagined mythologies, imagined tellings. I did it with words. I resurrected the dead with the thinnest gossamer hints of their presence, I built the sets of my childhood with the rims of photographs, I carved the transcript of my story into the unwritten, a thin thread of light chiselling at shadows. Because I had inherited a vast legacy of silence, because silence was my country, I had to build a wall to see its borders. 

So much of our contemporary existence relies on the perpetuity of an eternal present. We are in an age of meticulous storage, of the classification of experience, of perfect recall. Because we have merged memory into history, we have displaced the perpetual flux of the former into the consecrated constructions of the latter, and as such, we’ve negated the ineffable magic, the curious suddenness of memory. We have eased it away from its definitions, erasing the possibilities of forgetting; the multiplicity of imaginations gives way to a multiplicity of interpretations. The agony of history is that, as Pierre Nora said, it “is perpetually suspicious of memory, and its true mission is to suppress and destroy it.” For history must claim its stoic objectivity, its trueness, its dream of representation, and it has no patience for the whims of memory, the sporadic sparks and discursions, that sheer intangibility. 

For a long time, I thought of my writing as a historiography, but it was not—has not ever been. I was only walking the circumference of history’s incomprehensible continent, waiting for something to catch my eye. Sometimes a small vine seeping from between the porous stones would remind me of my mother’s curls falling on the bathroom floor, or a trick of the light would flash to an island shape in an airplane window—none of it having been entered into the archives, all of it wavering spectral in the air. Qin Shi Huang, for all his destructive prowess, was terrified of death. Throughout his life, he sought the conjurings of alchemists, the remedies of medicine-men. He sent ships, red and gold over the opaque horizon, in search of elixirs, of generous deities, of strange beasts whose feather, horn, or bone would prove the key to everlasting life. At the top of Zhifu Mountain, he took sight of the land that belonged to him, the undulating sea-coast, the dappled eastern light, the overwhelm of eternity at the centre of the sky’s blue eye, and he could not bear to pass himself over it, into the no-longer. Amidst all the clamour of his creations, the nothingness of the unknown was unbearably louder. He feared—perhaps—exactly this: a strange woman on another continent, writing about him as guesswork, her mind taking over his, her reality transposed over his domain. I, too, have been afraid that I would never be accurate in iterating the life I had lived, the days I had grasped at, the lost moments of which I was the sole transcriber. But when I came to know that it was the discontinuity, the oblivion, the multiplicity of memory that allowed something to be where nothing was—that the archive was not empty because new rooms were appearing ex nihilo—something miraculous happened: I no longer feared. My memories are built at the site of their own impossibility.

When Fanny Ardant looks at Tony Servillo and her eyes change, right before she doesn’t say To die for love, those are the few seconds that move me. The same in both scenes, they are dangerous seconds, anguished seconds, mystifying seconds. In those seconds, there is the wanting to say, there is the almost-language that most closely resembles the ur-language, when it was less certain—when it was still trying to find its way to words. It makes me read Cixous differently; that if writing is to never resign oneself to pretending that nothing has happened, then there must be a place in writing—and in thinking—for one to stand upon delusion, upon silence, in order to walk towards the someday of articulation. Just as there are two worlds of the Roman staircase, there are two versions of every text: the one that says what it says, and the one that could still say everything else. We write one, and we keep the other one alive.

What James doesn’t tell us about drawing the circle is that it takes a whole life. That the stream of time is violent, and it will stir up fragments and ephemera from the silt of what has been abandoned, and those shatterings will find its way past the guards, through the conflagration, into the streets of thinking. In Milan, faced with an emblem of the biscione, my mother told me that my grandfather had been born in the year of the snake, and the sands shifted a little more in the underground of lost time.

All this to say that I am more patient that I had been—but I have my ear pressed to the earth. I am still listening for the never-happened.


Xiao Yue Shan is a poet. How Often I Have Chosen Love was published in 2019. Then Telling Be the Antidote will be published in 2023.

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Three Algorithms in a Room - The American Prospect

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This article appears in the June 2024 issue of The American Prospect magazine. Subscribe here.

It’s uncanny how most of the modern ills plaguing our economy today can be traced back to airlines. The industry is a petri dish of contaminants, from deregulation to market consolidation to financialization, that metastasized into other sectors in the 20th century.

We can add to that list the rise of algorithmic pricing, an emerging economic configuration where all competitors in a market outsource their price-setting functions to the same third-party software, in a not-that-innocent plot to fix prices.

It all began with the new world of aviation that followed the Airline Deregulation Act, signed into law in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter. By gutting the Civil Aeronautics Board, which had tightly managed airlines, Carter did away with a slew of regulations, including price controls capping airfares.

What followed was a brief window of expanded competition as new airlines entered the market. More airlines led to reduced airfares as competitors tried to gain market share and take over particular routes. To prevent these price wars, the largest airlines got together to come up with a solution.

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The airlines reorganized an existing quasi-independent service they owned called the Airline Tariff Publishing Company (ATPCO), headquartered near Dulles Airport outside of Washington, D.C. By today’s standards, ATPCO wasn’t especially high-tech, but it essentially functioned as a clearinghouse to share information across the industry, helping airlines to set airfares. Weeks in advance, airlines would send ATPCO scheduled airfares along with detailed route information, seat numbers, and discount loyalty offers. None of this was public information. ATPCO in turn compiled this data and made it available to other airlines, so they could respond accordingly.

In the 1980s and 1990s, this information was digitized, making it available to member airlines on a moment’s notice. Today, ATPCO boasts of processing 18 million fare changes every day in its database, working with 447 member airlines around the world. A spokesperson for ATPCO notes that “ATPCO does not today and has never set any airline’s fares.”

But as fares rose, ATPCO caught the attention of the Department of Justice (DOJ), which filed a lawsuit in the early 1990s. The complaint alleged that by telegraphing competitors’ scheduled airfares, ATPCO allowed airlines to identify when their prices were comparatively low and preemptively raise them to meet a higher benchmark. The DOJ concluded that ATPCO was merely a craftier, more tacit form of traditional collusion outlawed by the Sherman Act. Instead of a handshake agreement in clandestine meetings, airlines just decided to create a third party to do it for them.

That case could have been the end of the road for ATPCO. But inexplicably, it never went to trial. The DOJ opted to settle with ATPCO, a decision that was paradigmatic of the weak, ham-fisted approach that defined antitrust enforcement at the time. In the settlement, ATPCO had to make some light modifications to slow down the pace at which airfare increases could be implemented. The theory was that these measures would provide travel agents, who can also access ATPCO, enough time to make more informed decisions about the best price options for consumers.

Airfares have only risen since that settlement, according to the St. Louis Federal Reserve. (ATPCO cited a study showing inflation-adjusted fares falling, released by the lead trade group for the airlines.)

IN HINDSIGHT, BY NOT ENFORCING MAJOR PENALTIES or banning ATPCO entirely, the DOJ effectively greenlit conduct that its own legal team deemed unlawful. Other actors across the economy took the hint and a proliferation of third-party price-fixing schemes sprung up, now seen in housing, agriculture, hospitality, and even health care.

These new pricing intermediaries are similar to ATPCO, but don’t just act as information exchanges between competitors. They actually set the prices for an entire industry by using machine-learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, which are programmed to maximize profits. To arrive at optimal prices, these software applications aggregate vast amounts of relevant market data, some of which is public and much of which is competitively sensitive information given to them by their clients.

Each algorithmic scheme has its own distinct features, but they all share the same underlying philosophy: Competing on price in an open market is a race to the bottom, so why not instead coordinate together to grow industry’s profits? In other words, it’s another version of the notorious Peter Thiel adage that “competition is for losers.”

These business arrangements are coming under fire from a new crop of antitrust regulators who are far more aggressive than their predecessors. Both the DOJ and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are intervening to help in numerous lawsuits making their way through courts that target algorithmic price-fixing. The DOJ has even returned to the arena with its own collusion case against an agricultural information hub called Agri Stats. The outcomes could have major ramifications for this field, and rectify the lax enforcement of ATPCO in the 1990s.

With market power, RealPage could extract higher rents than any one landlord acting unilaterally would be able to pull off.

Both enforcement agencies have issued statements firmly establishing that price-fixing via new technologies instead of human agents must not escape the antitrust laws.

“The idea that we don’t have a video of executives getting together and making their secret deal … does not automatically defeat a price-fixing claim in this new technological environment,” FTC chair Lina Khan told the Prospect. “We just need to be clear-eyed about that fact and update the application of the law to match the new technological and business realities.”

It’s not yet clear whether this view will hold sway in courts, with judges entrenched in more conventional understandings of collusion through a handshake agreement. Some plaintiff cases are already meeting snags for that reason. This intensifies the threat that judges may put an exceptionally high bar on evidence of tacit collusion, which would implicitly legalize price-fixing via algorithms.

THE DUELING SCHOOLS OF ANTITRUST don’t agree on much these days. The neo-Brandeisians at the helm of the Biden administration have overturned the consumer welfare standard in favor of broader anti-competitive considerations. The Chicago school theory of consumer welfare, which reigned supreme for decades, held that prices should be the sole indicator for assessing the harms posed by monopolies.

But even during the Chicago school’s reign, collusion was the one prong of enforcement that transcended these divisions, because cartels both subvert the very underpinnings of market competition and typically result in higher prices for consumers.

Richard Posner, one of the architects of the Chicago school, argued in an influential piece from 1968 that enforcers don’t always need direct transcripts from meetings where participants explicitly agree to collude. Regulators could use “circumstantial evidence” to infer tacit collusion if, for example, all the major players in an industry were raising prices in a coordinated fashion with no clear rationale like increases in input costs.

Posner, who was effectively pro-monopoly in every other respect, believed that going after aboveground oligopolies fixing prices should be the primary function of antitrust. His position proved to be self-defeating, since his fondness for mergers set the conditions for cartels to form among fewer players. Plus, as antitrust was de-emphasized, cuts to enforcement agency funding left meager resources to identify only the most clear-cut, winnable cases against price-fixing schemes.

Regulators might have been overly cautious, but enforcement against collusion generally remained constant, even as antitrust actions dwindled in every other area.

Oligopolies, however, found new ways to innovate their way out of this regulatory burden. They turned to a burgeoning field at the time called “revenue management.” Its leaders described the work as not only designed to benefit individual firms, but to grow profits for the entire industry writ large.

Information exchanges also became easier to facilitate in the 1990s, when regulators instituted “safe harbor” laws. These were essentially carve-outs for legalized information-sharing between competitors, as long as companies could meet certain criteria to justify it. Though specifically targeted for health care, it became common practice for other industries to exploit safe harbors for their own purposes. The DOJ withdrew these safe harbors last year as part of its crackdown.

ATPCO was born out of this new revenue management style of thinking. A former Alaska Airlines executive named Jeffrey Roper was a major adherent; his computer was confiscated during the DOJ’s investigation into ATPCO’s practices, and afterward, Roper left the country. He later returned in the early 2000s as a “principal scientist” for a new startup venture called RealPage.

ROPER’S NEW COMPANY HAD THE OBJECTIVE to revolutionize pricing in real estate by fixing the same problem that he helped the airlines address post-deregulation: to head off price wars by conspiring together. “A rising tide will lift all boats,” as one real estate executive whom RealPage worked with put it.

Roper took a very unsentimental approach to the business of property management, where he saw irrational human behavior driving inefficiencies. According to Roper, landlords had “too much empathy,” which prevented them from raising rent as high as they could. As Roper once put it, “If you have idiots undervaluing, it costs the whole system.”

He went about rectifying that by deposing the human agents who controlled pricing, and instead introducing algorithms that could make less emotional decisions.

In its own words, RealPage promises to “maximize profits” with the ability to “achieve … revenue lift between 3 percent to 7 percent,” even in economic downturns. There should be no doubt that RealPage does so by consistently pushing rent increases, according to testimony from clients in several recent lawsuits. RealPage, according to one lawsuit, told clients that the data they shared would never be used “to undercut RealPage’s higher prices—doing so for too long would mean losing access to RealPage.”

By virtually guaranteeing higher revenue, the service quickly spread across real estate markets and achieved extraordinary market power in several major cities.

In Seattle, for example, one of the most expensive cities for rent in the country, ten property managers control 70 percent of apartment units in one highly sought-after neighborhood. They all use RealPage.

The company became even more powerful after a major merger in 2017 with another software company called Lease Rent Options, which the Trump administration waved through after opening an investigation.

With market power, RealPage could extract higher rents than any one landlord acting unilaterally would be able to pull off in a competitive market. Without RealPage, customers could just look elsewhere for bargains, and landlords might risk not being able to fill vacancies. But when property managers are assured that virtually all surrounding residential buildings use the same service, then rent increases become more possible. Double-digit rent hikes among RealPage clients are common, according to an ongoing lawsuit.

In order to make these rent hikes stick, Roper and RealPage had to upend the conventional wisdom of the industry, called the “heads in beds” strategy. Usually, landlords want to maintain the highest occupancy rates possible, so they’re not wasting space. That means if landlords set their prices too high and can’t get any takers, they’ll usually drop the price to fill the apartment.

RealPage persuaded property managers that this was an arbitrary constraint. Since using their prices, landlords now report that they frequently operate well below 97 percent occupancy, holding out until they get tenants willing to match their higher rents.

Housing prices have soared across every major market RealPage has infiltrated. With government officials looking to bring down rising housing costs, RealPage is now coming under scrutiny, especially after a ProPublica investigation in 2022 into its business practices.

The company is facing a major class action lawsuit for price-fixing, and two others filed last year by attorneys general in Arizona and the District of Columbia. The lawsuits together paint a damning portrait of RealPage as a collusive enterprise, based on rental pricing evidence and scores of interviews with former employees and clients. The DOJ filed a statement of interest in the plaintiff lawsuit, and has its own criminal investigation into the company.

“It just doesn’t really take a leap of faith to see why it might be that rents keep going up in these dense metropolitan areas where RealPage operates,” said a senior official in the D.C. attorney general’s office. In the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria metropolitan area, over 90 percent of units in large buildings are priced using RealPage’s software, and rents have skyrocketed.

The D.C. lawsuit first explains that RealPage demanded its clients hand over highly competitive sensitive information, such as occupancy rates, rents charged for each unit and each floor plan, lease terms, amenities, move-in dates, and move-out dates.

RealPage’s clients give up this information because they know that their competitors will as well. In fact, many of them encouraged competitors to do so, as former employees allege in the lawsuit. That appears to be the “agreement” between competitors, which is a core part of any legal case for collusion.

This vast scale of information obtained by RealPage gives its algorithm a bird’s-eye view into the housing supply in a given market, which it can optimize meticulously and raise prices accordingly at each property. By instituting this regime, RealPage has managed to subvert an ordinarily competitive market for housing and centralize command over pricing.

ONE OF REALPAGE’S SUBSIDIARIES ACQUIRED in the 2017 merger, known as Rainmaker, is also facing legal troubles for facilitating a similar form of price-fixing in the hospitality sector, promising its clients that it can boost revenues by 15 percent.

One lawsuit was brought last year against Rainmaker for fixing prices in the Las Vegas metro area, where the software is used by virtually every major hotel and casino on the Strip.

The lawsuit shows that Rainmaker employs an identical strategy as RealPage to dissuade hotel operators from focusing on occupancy rates at the cost of profits. Casinos in Vegas have historically treated their hotel accommodations as a side business, just to get customers on the gaming floor where the big money is made. They’re willing to offer somewhat cheaper prices just to fill beds and get people in the door.

Rainmaker upended that. According to the lawsuit, their team told clients that “revenue managers must recognize the ultimate goal is not chasing after occupancy growth,” and urged clients to “avoid the infamous ‘race to the bottom’ when competition inevitably becomes fierce within a market.”

This dynamic has held beyond casino hotels. Indeed, overall hotel prices remain at or near their pandemic peak, at odds with other services even within the travel industry. A class action suit filed in February against a separate hotel data-sharing company called CoStar, which helped luxury hotels in 15 cities set prices, quotes the company telling clients that “total revenue grows higher when hotels understand the maximum amount a customer is willing to pay.”

Potentially the biggest example of algorithmic price-fixing was uncovered in the FTC’s lawsuit against Amazon.

But despite the evidence, the Las Vegas lawsuit against Rainmaker has seen the first setback for proponents of more active enforcement against tacit collusion by algorithms. Judge Miranda Du dismissed the case last October, citing a lack of evidence, even though the case had only reached the pleading stage, before discovery and depositions take place. Du, who claimed that she wasn’t an expert in the technology, was not convinced that there was proof of an agreement to collude, since each hotel separately accepted the pricing suggestions from Rainmaker.

RealPage is likely to use this defense as well, arguing that it merely makes “recommendations” for prices that are not binding and purely voluntary. The lawsuits say that this argument is a total ruse. Clients accept the RealPage recommendations over 80 percent of the time, and the company includes provisions in its contracts to ensure rent hikes. It heavily pushes adoption to new clients of an “auto-accept” feature that forces price increases automatically. Landlords who deviate from RealPage’s suggestions at too high a rate are subject to “discipline” and potentially even termination of their contract. “You should be compliant,” one RealPage training document uncovered in a lawsuit stated very clearly.

Rainmaker’s success with an early version of this defense is an ominous circumstance for enforcers and plaintiff lawyers, especially since the company advertises that clients accept its recommendations 90 percent of the time. But Rainmaker isn’t out of the woods. In Atlantic City, where it controls over 70 percent market share, another lawsuit is making its way through the courts. The pleading in that case appears to have a better chance of overcoming dismissal. Plaintiffs are also getting help from the DOJ and FTC, which filed a joint statement of interest.

A SIMILAR ARRANGEMENT HAS ALSO TAKEN HOLD in agriculture markets, with a third-party information exchange called Agri Stats.

Agri Stats has actually been around for a number of years, founded in the 1980s around the same time as ATPCO, when revenue management theory was on the rise.

When the service first emerged, most farmers didn’t think much of it, as Joe Maxwell remembers. He was a farmer in Missouri at the time, who later became the state’s lieutenant governor. The reason it didn’t set off alarm bells for him was in part that monopolization of the industry by dominant middlemen was only just getting under way. Once the Big Four meatpackers gained market share, the anti-competitive impact of Agri Stats would become clearer.

Farmers at the time were accustomed to using their own information service called DTN, which compiled and organized prices in a giant tome the size of a phone book. But DTN just assembled scores of publicly available data. Agriculture is a more coordinated sector than most because it’s prone to booms and busts from annual harvests, which skews production levels and prices for the entire market. For this reason, the USDA requires substantial reporting from every market participant and publishes that information.

Agri Stats is a different beast. It works with each of the Big Four meat processors and requires detailed information about their operations. That includes prices, production schedules, and practices; information about suppliers; and full costs, including how much they pay workers and what benefits are offered. The data that meatpackers hand over entails virtually their entire balance sheet.

Agri Stats then synthesizes that data into granular analysis, which it sends out to its clients in extensive reports. It also consults with individual meatpackers several times a year, giving advice on when to raise prices or cut back supply. As former president Blair Snyder described it, “it’s like Agri Stats is doing the accounting for the whole industry.”

The listings are technically semi-anonymized, but easily identifiable in such a consolidated market. Each of the participants is listed in Agri Stats reports, and industry participation covers at least 80 percent and usually over 90 percent of the various market segments. Several of the meatpackers, notably Tyson, only agreed to participate because they were promised by Agri Stats that their competitor JBS would spill their secrets as well.

Agri Stats, which had to pause its turkey and pork reports due to private antitrust lawsuits, even encourages processors to move in a coordinated direction. According to a Justice Department lawsuit filed last year, one executive at the pork giant Smithfield “summarized Agri Stats’ consulting advice in four words: ‘Just raise your price.’”

“It raises red flags when we see the sharing of competitively sensitive information among rivals, whether directly or through an intermediary,” said Doha Mekki, the principal deputy assistant attorney general at the DOJ’s Antitrust Division. “Corporations ordinarily work hard to safeguard that kind of information precisely because it helps them compete to win business.”

The department believes that Agri Stats’ price-fixing scheme is a quiet driver of high meat prices, which went up after the pandemic and have remained high.

The lawsuit argues that Agri Stats’ extensive reports allow meatpackers to easily identify when their products are priced low compared to their competitors and raise prices accordingly, which has occurred routinely. They can alter production levels to keep supply lower than they otherwise would, because they know they can get away with it. Competition for high rankings in Agri Stats’ pricing books is intense; according to the lawsuit, some processors give bonuses to staff for finishing at or near the top.

As Joe Maxwell explains, if this behavior were exchanged between executives in a secret meeting, there would be no question it’s collusion. “The meatpackers just got a third party to do it under another roof, it’s like they all hired the same economist,” said Maxwell.

Both the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission are also monitoring how algorithmic pricing may be impacting the health care sector, where prices continue to increase. Ending the safe harbor laws for information exchanges in health care was part of those efforts.

One potential target is GoodRx, a common coordinator of reimbursement rates on behalf of pharmacy benefit managers, as an investigation by the investigative website The Capitol Forum revealed. Initially, GoodRx was just a consumer-focused service to help patients search for the cheapest prescription drugs. But on the back end, GoodRx teamed up with each of the largest PBMs to squeeze independent pharmacies. By striking deals with the same intermediary, the PBMs pool their claims through GoodRx, which then calculates the lowest possible reimbursements they have to pay out. Because of the market power PBMs have accrued, most independent pharmacists can’t refuse to work with them.

“If this isn’t algorithmic price fixing, I don’t know what is,” Luke Slindee, a pharmacy consultant at Myers and Stauffer who advocates for anti-monopoly policies, told The Capitol Forum.

Potentially the biggest example of algorithmic price-fixing was uncovered in the FTC’s lawsuit against Amazon. An algorithm called “Project Nessie” would test price increases to see if competitors would follow by hiking prices as well. If they did, the price would stay at its new, higher level. This added an additional $1 billion in revenue for Amazon, to say nothing of its competitors across the internet.

Project Nessie represents an even more arm’s-length version of unilateral price-fixing, entirely done by algorithm and the feedback loops it triggers. Amazon says it ended Project Nessie in 2019, but the technological capability to restart it again is as easy as flicking a switch.

TODAY, THERE’S A BIPARTISAN CONSENSUS emerging that enforcers need to establish a bright-line standard that algorithms can facilitate collusion, especially with the rise of more sophisticated models through artificial intelligence. It’s getting more attention in academia too. A recent paper from Harvard and Penn State researchers found that “[AI] pricing agents autonomously collude in oligopoly settings to the detriment of consumers.”

The current position of the Biden Justice Department on this front in many ways mirrors a speech delivered in 2017 by Maureen Ohlhausen, the former Republican FTC chair under Trump and a Chicago schooler in every respect. She stated very clearly that when it comes to collusion cases, “[e]verywhere the word ‘algorithm’ appears, please just insert the words ‘a guy named Bob.’ Is it OK for a guy named Bob to collect confidential price strategy information from all the participants in a market, and then tell everybody how they should price?” Her answer was affirmatively no.

The only remaining defenders of algorithmic pricing are economists who mostly operate from the theoretical premise of perfect market conditions. In a perfectly competitive market, individual firms using in-house pricing software might be incentivized to lower prices to gain market share. But that’s a figment of the economist’s imaginary models.

“They miss that market power skews the logic of competition,” said University of Tennessee law professor Maurice Stucke, who began investigating new pricing technologies early on.

The only real constraints on the Biden team’s actions are the limited resources they’re allocated to go after practices that appear unlawful. Then, there’s also the task of convincing the judiciary that price-fixing remotely by algorithm is indeed the same as price-fixing in person by humans. But enforcers believe this is an important issue to prioritize before pricing algorithms become completely embedded across the economy.

In previous eras, Doha Mekki explained, “a bad actor might have needed to work harder to facilitate an illegal information-sharing scheme. Today, instantaneous communication, the availability of data at scale, and increasingly widespread use of algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence may have solved those speedbumps.”

POSTSCRIPT: Earlier this week, as MLex first reported, the FBI raided Atlanta-based corporate landlord Cortland Management, as part of an ongoing investigation into RealPages algorithmic price-fixing of real estate markets. Meanwhile, the Justice Department won the right to move forward with its price-fixing conspiracy lawsuit against Agri Stats. And in Las Vegas, Judge Miranda Du dismissed the case against Rainmaker over price-fixing at resort hotels, showing that defining collusion by algorithm as illegal still has a ways to go.

UPDATE: An earlier version of this story stated that Jeffrey Roper was the founder of ATPCO. That was incorrect, and we have updated the story to clarify that. The Prospect regrets the error. We have also added comments from ATPCO.

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5 hours ago
Epiphyte City
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Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential - The Lancet

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By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Reported impact snapshot. Gaza Strip.

The Ministry's figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services,


Israeli Intelligence has deemed Hamas-run health ministry's death toll figures generally accurate.

the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry,

  • Huynh BQ
  • Chin ET
  • Spiegel PB

No evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health.

which found claims of data fabrication implausible.

  • Jamaluddine Z
  • Checchi F
  • Campbell OMR

Excess mortality in Gaza: Oct 7–26, 2023.

Collecting data is becoming increasingly difficult for the Gaza Health Ministry due to the destruction of much of the infrastructure.


UNOSAT Gaza Strip comprehensive building & housing unit damage assessment, March 2024.

The Ministry has had to augment its usual reporting, based on people dying in its hospitals or brought in dead, with information from reliable media sources and first responders. This change has inevitably degraded the detailed data recorded previously. Consequently, the Gaza Health Ministry now reports separately the number of unidentified bodies among the total death toll. As of May 10, 2024, 30% of the 35 091 deaths were unidentified.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Reported impact snapshot. Gaza Strip.

Some officials and news agencies have used this development, designed to improve data quality, to undermine the veracity of the data. However, the number of reported deaths is likely an underestimate. The non-governmental organisation Airwars undertakes detailed assessments of incidents in the Gaza Strip and often finds that not all names of identifiable victims are included in the Ministry's list.

Furthermore, the UN estimates that, by Feb 29, 2024, 35% of buildings in the Gaza Strip had been destroyed,


UNOSAT Gaza Strip comprehensive building & housing unit damage assessment, March 2024.

so the number of bodies still buried in the rubble is likely substantial, with estimates of more than 10 000.


UN Office Geneva
10 000 people feared buried under the rubble in Gaza.

Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence. Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases. The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population's inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA, one of the very few humanitarian organisations still active in the Gaza Strip.


More countries pause funds for UN Palestinian agency.

In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death


UN Office on Drugs and Crime
Global burden of armed conflict.

to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2 375 259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip. A report from Feb 7, 2024, at the time when the direct death toll was 28 000, estimated that without a ceasefire there would be between 58 260 deaths (without an epidemic or escalation) and 85 750 deaths (if both occurred) by Aug 6, 2024.

  • Jamaluddine Z
  • Chen Z
  • Abukmail H
  • et al.

Crisis in Gaza: scenario-based health impact projections.

An immediate and urgent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is essential, accompanied by measures to enable the distribution of medical supplies, food, clean water, and other resources for basic human needs. At the same time, there is a need to record the scale and nature of suffering in this conflict. Documenting the true scale is crucial for ensuring historical accountability and acknowledging the full cost of the war. It is also a legal requirement. The interim measures set out by the International Court of Justice in January, 2024, require Israel to “take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of … the Genocide Convention”.


International Court of Justice
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza Health Ministry is the only organisation counting the dead. Furthermore, these data will be crucial for post-war recovery, restoring infrastructure, and planning humanitarian aid.

MM is a member of the editorial board of the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research and of the International Advisory Committee of the Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. MM was co-chair of the Institute's 2016 6th International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy, but writes in a personal capacity. He also collaborates with researchers in Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon. RK and SY declare no competing interests. The authors would like to acknowledge study team members Shofiqul Islam and Safa Noreen for their contribution to collecting and managing the data for this Correspondence.

Editorial note: The Lancet Group takes a neutral position with respect to territorial claims in published text and institutional affiliations.

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