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It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?

#friendly reminder that I once put my statistics degree to good use and did some calculations about ship ratios#and yes considering the gender ratios of characters#the prevalence of gay ships is completely predictable (via sarahtonin42)

I feel this is something that does often get overlooked in slash shipping, especially in articles that try to ‘explain’ the phenomena. No matter the show, movie or book, people are going to ship. When everyone is a dude and the well written relationships are all dudes, of course we’re gonna go for romance among the dudes because we have no other options.


A lot of analyses propose that the overwhelming predominance of male/male ships over female/female and female/male ships in fandom reflects an unhealthy fetishisation of male homosexuality and a deep-seated self-hatred on the part of women in fandom. While it’s true that many fandoms certainly have issues gender-wise, that sort of analysis willfully overlooks a rather more obvious culprit.

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that we have a hypothetical media franchise with twelve recurring speaking roles, nine of which are male and three of which are female.

(Note that this is actually a bit better than average representaton-wise - female representation in popular media franchises is typicaly well below the 25% contemplated here.)

Assuming that any character can be shipped with any other without regard for age, gender, social position or prior relationship - and for simplicity excluding cloning, time travel and other “selfcest”-enabling scenarios - this yields the following (non-polyamorous) possibilities:

Possible F/F ships: 3
Possible F/M ships: 27
Possible M/M ships: 36


Thus, assuming - again, for the sake of simplicity - that every possible ship is about equally likely to appeal to any given fan, we’d reasonably expect about (36/66) = 55% of all shipping-related media to feature M/M pairings. No particular prejudice in favour of male characters and/or against female characters is necessary for us to get there.

The point is this: before we can conclude that representation in shipping is being skewed by fan prejudice, we have to ask how skewed it would be even in the absence of any particular prejudice on the part of the fans. Or, to put it another way, we have to ask ourselves: are we criticising women in fandom - and let’s be honest here, this type of criticism is almost exclusively directed at women - for creating a representation problem, or are we merely criticising them for failing to correct an existing one?


Also food for thought: the obvious correction to a lack of non-male representation in a story is to add more non-males. Female Original Characters are often decried as self-insertion or Mary Sues, particular if romance or sex is a primary focus.

I really appreciate when tumblr commentary is of the quality I might see at an academic conference. No joke.

This doesn’t even account  for the disparity in the amount of screen time/dialogue male characters to get in comparison to female characters, and how much time other characters spend talking about male characters even when they aren’t onscreen. This all leads to male characters ending up more fully developed, and more nuanced than female characters. The more an audience feels like they know a character, the more likely an audience is to care about a character. More network television writers are men. Male writers tend to understand men better than women, statistically speaking. Female characters are more likely to be written by men who don’t understand women vary well. 

But it’s easier to blame the collateral damage than solve the root problem.

Yay, mathy arguments. :)

This is certainly one large factor in the amount of M/M slash out there, and the first reason that occurred to me when I first got into fandom (I don’t think it’s the sole reason, but I think it’s a bigger one than some people in the Why So Much Slash debate give our credit for). And nice point about adding female OCs.

In some of my shipping-related stats, I found that shows with more major female characters lead to more femslash (also more het).  (e.g. femslash in female-heavy media; femslash deep dive) I’ve never actually tried to do an analysis to pin down how much of fandom’s M/M preference is explained by the predominance of male characters in the source media, but I’m periodically tempted to try to do so.

All great points. Another thing I notice is that many shows are built around the idea that the team or the partner is the most important thing in the universe. Watch any buddy cop show, and half of the episodes have a character on a date that is inevitably interrupted because The Job comes first… except “The Job” actually means “My Partner”.

When it’s a male-female buddy show, all of the failed relationships are usually, canonically, because the leads belong together. (Look at early Bones: she dates that guy who is his old friend and clearly a stand-in for him. They break up because *coughcoughhandwave*. That stuff happens constantly.) Male-male buddy shows write the central relationship the exact same way except that they expect us to read it as platonic.

Long before it becomes canon, the potential ship of Mulder/Scully or Booth/Bones or whatever lead male/female couple consumes the fandom. It’s not about the genders involved. Rizzoli/Isles was like this too.

If canon tells us that no other relationship has ever measured up to this one, why should we keep them apart? Don’t like slash of your shows, prissy writers? Then stop writing all of your leads locked in epic One True Love romance novel relationships with their same-sex coworkers. Give them warm, funny, interesting love interests, not cardboard cutouts…

And then we will ship an OT3.

I’m going to bring up (invent?) the concept of subjectification.

As in, people gravitate to the characters given the most depth, complexity, and satisfying interactions for their shipping needs, because those characters are most human, and we want the realest characters to play with.

In a lot of media, the most depth gets handed to male characters.

And, oftentimes, even when the screentime and depth and interactions are granted equally well to female characters, there can be a level of, for lack of a better word, dis-authenticity to those female characters: they are pared down, washed out, or otherwise made slightly less themselves than they could be, in the interest of making them decorative, or likeable, or “good,” or keeping them from upstaging or emasculating their male companions, or just that the writer whose job it is to write them doesn’t know how to write women the way they write men.

And you get the characterization equivalent of that comparison chart where so many animated female characters have the same facial features because the animators and designers are so worried about not letting them be ugly.

When you have a group that’s allowed to be themselves, warts and all, and another group that has to be decorative at all costs, the impression given on some level is that the decorative quality is making up for a shortcoming. That they wouldn’t be enough in their own right.

And sometimes that cost is authenticity. The interesting, striking, awe-inspiring, bold and glorious unapologetic selfhood that draws the viewer most particularly to those characters who are unapologetic in their particular existence, standing clear of the generic and bland and unchallenging “safe” appearances.

It is authenticity, not beauty, which powers subjectification. The love for a character, not because they are perfect, but because they are them.

They can be pretty, sure. They can be sweet. But being pretty and sweet is not a replacement, and too many female characters have been written by writers who think it is, while the interest—in appearance, in personality, in interactions, in plot development—goes to the men.

And when that happens, well. Surprise, surprise, that’s where the shipping goes.

Yeah I don’t really ship but I do write a fair amount of fanfic, and in most franchises working with the female characters is a chore.

You have to do so much of the work yourself, because the canon left them unfinished, with huge gaps or unexplored contradictions that you have to somehow resolve. Every female character you decide to integrate into your fanwork in some major role constitutes an undertaking in her own right as you patch together an understanding of her sufficient to model a consistent set of reactions and priorities &c.

The dudes just get handed to you. Even the ones whose canon is a mess have properly developed character cores.

That you don’t have to unearth and piece together like some sort of volunteer archeologist coming up with theories way more complex than the available artifacts truly support.

Guys read this this is an amazing breakdown of it

ALWAYS reblog.

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Imperfecta - The American Scholar

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My older brother Stephen was always tall. Extremely tall. He was that kid who occupied precisely the middle position in the last row of every class picture in elementary school. His arms hung awkwardly out of the sleeves of his shirts, which could never keep pace with his weedy growth. “Dear Friends,” our dad wrote in his annual Christmas letter in 1961, “Stephen is a 1st grader at Overlook school … He is a TALL 1st grader, standing just 4 inches below his daddy’s chin. We hope that this growth-pace declines.” It didn’t.

When I encounter Steve in family photos from the years before I was born, there’s still an unguarded lightness to him, a receptivity to the world. He was tall, yes, but he hadn’t been diagnosed with anything. He was seen—and, I believe, saw himself—as a child who simply happened to be unusually lanky and tall. He fit in among the other kids in our suburban Baltimore neighborhood, where children observed difference but did so ingenuously. They hadn’t yet acquired the malevolent acumen to sort, rank, and harass other kids based on physical characteristics. As I look at these photos, decades later, my heart aches for Steve. It’s as if he didn’t suspect anything was wrong. Whatever he imagined for his life in those days had nothing to do with what followed. He was enjoying a particular kind of innocence: it was the last time when his inner battle with the idea of normal wasn’t an elemental part of his existence.

What is normal? Is genetic variation something to be corrected? Or is variation simply variation, a natural (and crucial) link in the evolutionary chain?

The question of how to think about human difference is nothing new. In the late 19th century, at the dawn of what one British biologist declared to be the “century of the gene,” scientists were already debating the answer. English polymath Francis Galton coined the term eugenics in 1883, and his journal, The Eugenics Review, endorsed selective breeding and the sterilization of the atypical as a means of eliminating deviation from genetic norms. But Galton’s cousin Charles Darwin put forward a different view. Darwin called mutations “sports,” a more benign, even playful term. The opposite of the sport was not a normal gene but a wild type, the one most often found in the natural world. Likewise, physician Archibald Garrod influentially wrote about chemical individuality.

The new world of gene editing has reinvigorated the debate. In 2003, scientists completed mapping the human genome, and last year, the FDA approved CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing therapy to treat sickle cell anemia. These developments have the potential to change fundamentally our understanding of (and approach to) human abnormality. Medical ethicists sometimes distinguish between genetic “treatment” and “enhancement”—condoning the former, condemning the latter—but the distinction is arguably flimsy. As it becomes ever easier to manipulate genes to our liking, how will we feel about genetic characteristics that fall short of affliction, such as lack of athleticism, but nevertheless deny certain advantages to those who inherit them? What about atypicalities, such as neurodivergence, deafness, dwarfism, and scores of others? Those who have these conditions don’t necessarily see them as disabilities. Might such people become candidates for gene editing? Whereas patients with mild symptoms might once have been able to pass as genetically normal, the mapping of the genome has largely eliminated this possibility. It’s disquietingly simple to envision a world, already fast approaching, in which the lack of genetic perfection itself comes to feel like an affliction.

What is normal? Is genetic variation something to be corrected? Or is variation simply variation, a natural (and crucial) link in the evolutionary chain? Much depends on how we perceive the line between the normal and the abnormal, the typical and the atypical, whether we approach genetics solely from a scientific standpoint or broaden our understanding to take in social, cultural, and political factors.

When Steve was around 10, a doctor informed him and my parents that he most likely had a genetic disorder called Marfan syndrome. Suddenly, the idea of physical normalcy became deeply and personally relevant. My brother’s life story had converged with the story of genetic medicine.

Victor McKusick was one of the founders of medical genetics, and for many years, he was my brother’s doctor. At Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1950s, he encountered cases of Marfan, including one involving a patient with a serious heart anomaly. The patient was tall and gangly, with disproportionately long fingers and limbs, and had dislocated eye lenses. He looked malnourished, but he wasn’t. At the time, little was known about Marfan, named in 1896 after the French pediatrician who first documented its distinctive features. By the late 1930s, it had been determined that Marfan was an autosomal dominant hereditary trait, meaning that it’s expressed with only one copy of the gene from a parent. McKusick would later trace his professional legacy, in part, to this patient’s bedside. He was awed by the “intricate jigsaw puzzle” of connective tissue, in general, as well as the syndrome’s flamboyantly diverse manifestations and the questions that it raised. Genetically, how could being tall relate to catastrophic heart failure? Why would someone with an eye problem have long fingers?

McKusick had no platform on which to study Marfan or, as he called it, “the Marfan.” The term medical genetics had been knocking around for decades, but it wasn’t a discrete discipline. Hopkins was a good incubator for the emerging field because different specialists mingled in its cafeterias and corridors, and as McKusick saw it, genetics gave a doctor “license to swashbuckle through all of medicine.” Throughout his career, he described his work like this, as an invitation to “go on safari” intellectually, to delve into the invisible, uncharted world of the chromosome as if he were a global adventurer. After he arrived in Baltimore in 1943, he never left. Hopkins was “on the trade routes,” he said. “Thus I could pitch my tent beside the road and keep in touch with what was going on in far off Cathay without ever traveling there myself.”

Doctors usually saw people with Marfan as eye or orthopedic patients, but McKusick, ingeniously, redefined them as genetics patients with a genetic affliction. McKusick hypothesized that the gene in question must control the production of connective tissue. Problems arising from abnormalities in this gene can range from the innocuous (stretch marks after pregnancy) to the lethal. A human heart beats around three billion times in an average life, and over time, the force of a Marfan patient’s own pulse can catastrophically tear the aorta. It’s a paradox that Marfan is one of the most common single-gene disorders and yet one of the stealthiest, even to a physician. You’ve probably met people with this condition and haven’t known it; they may not know they have it themselves. Early studies of Marfan patients record deaths out of the blue. One dropped dead in the middle of a job interview, another after completing a high dive at a pool. Sportswriter Grant Wahl had undiagnosed Marfan and died suddenly while covering the 2022 World Cup.

At Hopkins, McKusick “collected a large number of Marfan patients.” He pored over medical files and amassed cases from every department. He also mined records at the Baltimore morgue for instances of coronary dissection, a condition that results from a tear in the wall of one of the heart’s arteries. In 1955, he described 74 Marfan cases and related disorders in what remains a flagship work in the field of medical genetics, Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue. Two years later, he gave the emerging field an institutional home: the Moore Clinic at Hopkins, now the McKusick-Nathans Institute. The clinic had previously focused on chronic diseases like syphilis, but McKusick reasoned that genetic defects were the “ultimate chronic disease” and nudged syphilis aside to make room for medical genetics.

To move his work forward, McKusick needed access to contained, insular communities, characterized by intermarriage, where rare recessive genes were likelier to get expressed. In correspondence, this generation of geneticists would make comments such as, “On the wildcat road of the stony fork this afternoon, I found a nice trait of deaf-mutism,” and “Did you happen to see the Newsweek … in which there was a picture of a dwarf?” Well into the 1980s, McKusick made research trips into the Amish communities of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He got a fundamentally “different concept of people,” he said, when he saw them “in situ”—nested in their lives, observing genetic anomaly in its habitat, where any number of stories about atypical bodies could be told. In her 2005 book, Moments of Truth in Genetic Medicine, science historian M. Susan Lindee describes the gossipy intimacy that McKusick enjoyed with many families, allowing him to collect blood and urine samples, family genealogies recorded in Bibles, and intimate secrets. His field notes are interspersed with various personal details: how he bought brooms from one family, purchased jams on his way home from another, and was “bitten by a small dog” during an interview.

Yet McKusick also needed access to urban populations. Medical geneticists could familiarize themselves with rare genetic disorders only in places densely populated enough to yield more than one or two cases. In August 1957, he offered a certain Miss Hawkins a job as a “pedigree-tracer” in the newly formed Division of Medical Genetics at the Hopkins medical school. Hawkins would gather “extensive information on members of families of persons with various hereditary diseases” by driving around Baltimore, collecting biographical and medical information, drawing blood, taking urine samples, and abstracting families’ physician reports and medical records. To do this work, as McKusick described it, Hawkins would have to obtain “the rapport and cooperation of the family.” Some cases required extraordinary finesse, since mutations might expose through the back door the open secret of infidelity. “Illegitimacy is so much more frequent than mutation,” McKusick wrote. Data collection in these cases required the “utmost tact and resourcefulness.” Indeed.

In the years that followed, McKusick’s growing number of colleagues generated data on Marfan and other genetic conditions in a variety of ways. For one study, they took measurements of 2,100 children in Baltimore’s public schools. In a festschrift published in 2012, British geneticist Malcolm A. Ferguson-Smith described how McKusick designed a study of chromosomal abnormalities that involved surveying “delinquent boys, county schools, and pediatric clinic populations” in Baltimore. By the early 1960s, “state institutions for the mentally retarded [had become] intellectually exciting places,” McKusick wrote in a 1975 survey of his field published in the American Journal of Human Genetics. His colleagues had discovered two new genetic syndromes through research at Rosewood, Maryland’s home for the “mentally retarded.” The patients’ specific treatment was not thereby “altered one whit,” but the institutions received attention and became something “other than the equivalent of pesthouses.” Conditions there may not have changed, but as McKusick saw it, genetic research reintegrated these exiled patients into the human population.

That language is jarring to 21st-century ears and ethics, as are the methodologies: trawling at public schools, reform schools, and state institutions for research subjects, or traveling the streets of Baltimore to collect samples. Keep in mind, this was before standardized HIPAA, or codified informed consent and institutional review boards. But for atypical humans like my brother, McKusick’s approach was turning perceptions away from spectacle. He repudiated older moral judgments that hereditary afflictions among children were the result of parental vices or failings. McKusick and his colleagues replaced this 19th-century narrative of parental sin and genetic retribution with an equally powerful yet morally disinterested clinical gaze.

Eventually my brother was among those collected. When he was diagnosed, Steve’s narrative about himself began to change. Having a genetic condition transliterated physical eccentricity into affliction, a rare genetic case. This wasn’t an inconsequential semantic matter, either for Steve, who had a life to navigate, or for McKusick, who had an ambitious new field of knowledge to advance against the indifferent and skeptical. Being physically atypical means you’re going to be looked at—it’s only a question of how (imagine never being able to blend into a crowd or be physically anonymous when you want to). McKusick tried to ensure that his patients were looked at in a particular way. For him, humans were not normal or abnormal; they existed on a continuum. He deliberately spoke of “instructive” cases, not “interesting” cases—the former emphasized a clinical sensibility; the latter, something closer to carnival freak shows.

I looked up to Steve, in both senses. He was my big brother in height and age. To me, he was normal—or as normal as anything else, since the term had no valence.

But doctors, and medicine, enjoyed a great deal of power and latitude all the same. In the 1950s, doctors were at the height of their cultural mystique and authority, and my mother delivered Steve into their arms on the expectation of merciful omnipotence. McKusick’s medical genetics course at Hopkins included the study of Baltimore families with hereditary disorders. For one assignment, he instructed, “students may wish to call in children who are affected with the Marfan syndrome. … The primary purpose would be to compare the growth characteristics of this group with normal data and with their normal sibs.” Steve was among the children summoned, and one day, he and our mother stood center stage in an amphitheater, where doctors pointed out to other doctors the physical traits of Marfan. “I didn’t realize there would be so many people,” my mother recalled, and she was intimidated—but compliant. It didn’t occur to anyone involved to question the psychological wisdom of this exhibition. My mother remembered only that “they kept talking about how long Steve’s arms were, and pointing.” My brother wasn’t presented as a carnival freak or the incarnation of parental sin but as a medical genetics subject, and that difference must have mattered—being gawked at and being studied can’t possibly feel the same. But neither can they feel entirely different.

It was the gene that had caused things to happen, not context, social attitudes, or people’s behavior. Steve embraced this idea, believing that his identity was both fixed and unfixable. The thought grew in his mind that he was a sort of transcriptional error—a fateful typo, if not a full-blown mistake. Steve used the term mutation a lot. By the time he reached high school, he seemed to have decided that he didn’t have a mutation; he was a mutation. Being almost 12 years younger than Steve and still in a somewhat feral stage, I provided a refuge for him—I had no demeaning agenda of pity or largesse. I looked up to Steve, in both senses. He was my big brother in height and age. To me, he was normal—or as normal as anything else, since the term had no valence. He used to play a terrifying zombie game with me: he’d go outside, knock on our door, stand there mutely with dead, unblinking eyes, arms extended straight out, and then he’d lurch at me like Frankenstein’s monster, never saying a word. I’d scream every time he did this, in turn terrifying my older sister, who would scold me for saying “there’s a monster in the house” when it was only Steve.

I understand the zombie game better, or at least differently, today. A fledgling genetics journal, founded in 1968, called itself Teratology, from the Greek for “the study of monsters.” The title, in turn, echoed prodigy books of early-modern Europe that interpreted unusual or extraordinary natural events and attributed imperfecta—abnormal human bodies—to supernatural causes. The atypical was monstrous, yes, but also powerful, imbued with a darkly divine provenance. Maybe this was the kind of power that Steve wanted to possess, play with, and inhabit; maybe it was the story of mutation that he preferred.

In high school, Steve was neither physically abnormal enough to be swaddled in pity nor normal enough to be ignored. This made him a prime target for bullying. Every day, he ran a gauntlet of jeers and taunts, a crucible imagined and reenacted long into adulthood. The bullying he suffered, like all bullying, was about the enforcement of normalcy and its authority—and some of the early figures in genetic medicine would pretty much have agreed with the self-loathing and genetic judgment that my brother applied to himself. They saw genetic medicine as aspiring toward the same goal: the dominance of the normal. In a 1950 paper, “Our Load of Mutations,” for example, American geneticist (and eugenicist) Hermann Joseph Muller outlined his vision of an ideal “all-normal man.”

But McKusick thought differently. He was a clinician, not a genetic idealist like Muller, and he envisioned a zone of normalcy, running from “normal or unaffected individuals” on one side to “affected individuals” on the other. In the middle are mildly affected individuals in a “zone of overlap,” where they can’t even be “recognized as abnormal.” Indeed, before the mapping of the human genome, genetic passing was possible. Doctors might know that a gene was involved in some disorder, but not its location. Besides, no genetic testing was yet available. This ambiguity was especially true with Marfan, which has a vast range of expressivity—the degree to which a genotype, the genetic code, is evident in the phenotype, the individual’s body. McKusick always suspected that Abraham Lincoln had Marfan and wanted to get a biological sample to confirm his hunch. (He never succeeded.) But other cases of the disease are more self-evident, such as that of a baby with Marfan who, McKusick wrote, died at eight months, the child’s heart so overactive that it caused the bed to shake. The atypical body can be lethally crippling or profitably exotic—a deadly genetic trait passing as a lucrative asset. Sometimes, it can be both. Genetically “perfect” bodies can be impeccably normal or spectacularly atypical—athletic and tall enough for someone to play in the NBA or become a supermodel.

McKusick respected this ambiguity. In a 1969 textbook, he warned that “the dividing line between normal and abnormal variation is not fixed; indeed no dividing line exists. ‘Disease’ or ‘dis-order’ are not easily defined terms. Variation in one environment or social setting may be considered pathologic, where in another it may be advantageous. Keep in mind a variation constitutes a continuum.” Even so, harsher and more rigid attitudes toward those who lived outside the zone of normalcy kept insinuating their way back into the field of genetic medicine, past checkpoints of delicacy, tact, and sophisticated reasoning. In his 2012 book, The Science of Human Perfection, historian Nathaniel Comfort asserts that the boundary between eugenics and medical genetics was ideologically membranous. The medical geneticist’s goal of alleviating individual human suffering and the eugenicist’s goal of populational betterment were subtly interleaved throughout the 20th century, and the origin story of McKusick as the “father of medical genetics” created a useful but misleadingly clean break between the two. Comfort isn’t alleging that medical geneticists were eugenics advocates; indeed, McKusick couldn’t have condemned eugenics any more passionately than he did, discrediting the idea as “abominable” and “outrageous.” And in the clinic, when he encountered Steve, McKusick was concerned about his well-being rather than atypicality. He wasn’t striving for Steve to be normal but to have a full and long life.

So, the border drawn by medical geneticists against eugenicists was an adamantly sincere one—yet difficult to patrol. McKusick wrote expansively about the “mutational repertoire of man,” but even he championed the study of the “morbid map” of abnormal genes by noting how much that map could elucidate the normal. However sincere the intention to speak of variation and not aberration, genetic language was getting powerfully magnetized toward the poles of normal and abnormal. And in a 1973 volume edited by McKusick, contributor F. Clarke Fraser wrote, “If we are to aim at reducing the amount of ill health caused by deleterious genes we must aim at avoiding their transmission … by reducing the likelihood that [the ‘abnormal infant’] will be born or even conceived.” Fraser thought it “perfectly proper,” when counseling couples, “to say the equivalent of, ‘Now be quite sure that you have really thought about what another defective child would mean.’ ” He wrote also of the “deformed or diseased child.” However benevolent the intention, it’s hard to discern in this comment where the alleviation of human suffering ends and human improvement begins. As Comfort writes, “What they called preventive eugenics we today would call prenatal diagnosis with therapeutic abortion.”

As an adult, Steve was no longer an object of ridicule; he became merely “the tall guy.” For Steve, the world was a Procrustean exercise and puzzle. How could he better conform himself to its circumscriptions, spaces, boundaries, and limits? “I wish I could hack off the middle part of my legs,” he’d say—this wasn’t the ecumenical view of genetic variation that McKusick tried to champion. Barring a leg hack, how would he make himself fit? This was a literal question he had to answer every day, as he ducked to fit through doors, slumped into sofas to shrink himself down, stooped to look in a mirror or read a sign, tucked in his legs and arms on crowded trains. He custom-designed his bicycles; he shifted car seats as far back as they would go; he moved quickly, masking conspicuousness with speed, making himself a blur—bounding headlong through crowds, long limbs flying and head ducked. He shopped for groceries late at night to avoid people. And he leaned over hundreds of pool tables, many thousands of times.

The struggle to fit provoked an ambient envy in his life, and the idea of a deranged genetic code—“all the luck of the dice,” he’d say—deepened the existential injustice.

In his 20s, Steve was already an indefatigable pool player, on his way to becoming a nationally ranked amateur. I would hear him practicing in the basement, billiard balls making contact and plopping into a pocket, one after another after another. He was so good, even at the start—long fingers, able to make a beautiful bridge, such fluidity in his stroke. He could lean into shots and over tables better than anyone. This suited him. A billiards stance while shooting takes a good several inches off your height. You’re leaning, with cue in hand, and no one is likely to notice how long your legs are in that position. But if they notice how long your arms are, all the better. It’s an advantage. For Steve, pool took physical ungainliness and made it liquid, turned it into something elegant, beautiful, and normal. He was momentarily in conformity with a material world that otherwise almost cropped him. The sport sparked a psychological and a physical transformation in Steve. As he got better, he would talk about “mental toughness.” What it meant to him, specifically, was the capacity to be in control of which balls went where, in what order, and how the game unfolded and ended, entirely under his code and design.

The struggle to fit provoked an ambient envy in his life, and the idea of a deranged genetic code—“all the luck of the dice,” he’d say—deepened the existential injustice. Those who covet the normal, by definition, are unrelievedly confronted by the thing they covet every single day. For Steve, the subtractive simplicity and modesty of his longing only made it worse. Unlike the person who envies extraordinary physical traits, athleticism, or beauty and must seek them out—at stadiums, on movie screens, in magazines—Steve found hundreds of objects of ordinary desire in each moment. How many of us come to feel, as Steve did, that we’re waging the same struggle with normalcy to some lesser degree or another; that having a typical body, be it typical in weight, height, the construction of limbs, the proportion of limbs to torso, the angle of facial features and cheekbones, the straightness of the spine, the clearness of the skin, the size of the breasts, the daintiness of the nose, or the bulk of the muscles, would resolve our lives and set things straight? I learned from him that normal is the most profoundly craved thing when we don’t have it and the most effortlessly ignored thing when we do.

Steve and McKusick were obsessed with mutations, albeit in different ways. One Christmas, McKusick sent us a beautiful card featuring an image of Madonna and child, but the Madonna was an Amish mother with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, a rare dwarfism, who had an extra digit on both hands.

The early phases of his work were about observing and cataloging. McKusick always had a camera with him. Every person he met was part of his fieldwork. He took photographs of my parents once, when their paths crossed at a party. McKusick engaged in more systematic cataloging on the first Wednesday of each month, when his colleagues gathered at his home in the verdant, affluent Baltimore neighborhood of Guilford. As they drank coffee and enjoyed homemade sticky buns, they prepared index cards summarizing articles in medical journals pertinent to genetic conditions. These index cards became the first entries in the groundbreaking Mendelian Inheritance in Man, known today as the OMIM (the O standing for “online”). It’s the definitive database of human genetic identity—hailed as “the bible of clinical genetics”—with entries on 16,000 genes. Steve is #154700.

McKusick considered this work one of his most important achievements, yet it was still what he called an “encyclopedia of phenotypes”—and looks deceive. McKusick tellingly compared the distinction between genotype and phenotype to that of a person’s “character and reputation. Genotype and character are what one really is. Phenotype and reputation are what one appears to be.” A reputation can lie, but character cannot. Our authentic identity resides in DNA. It’s almost as if in cases of genetic passing, the phenotype has pulled one over on the genotype: appearance is a trick of the eye, or an act of diagnostic treachery.

At a conference on birth defects, McKusick famously elaborated this point with reference to “lumpers and splitters.” He argued that doctors were often guilty of “lumping” patients into one syndrome because of physical similarities, or “excessive and improper splitting” of patients with the same genetic disorder into separate identities because of physical variations. We are what our genes say we are. Those working on genes had become impatient with gray zones: “Disease A and Disease B are either the same disease, if they are based on the same mutation, or different diseases.” And if this was so, McKusick concluded, then what he really needed wasn’t an encyclopedia.

He needed a map.

Some of McKusick’s colleagues viewed his aspiration to locate and map every disease-causing gene as dilettantism akin to stamp collecting and about as edifying as bricklaying. In August 1968, a Newark Evening News reporter likened McKusick’s annual Bar Harbor “short course” on medical genetics to the engrossing pointlessness of counting angels on the head of a pin. What did the discovery of a defective gene for “the circus-rubber-man syndrome” gain humanity in comparison with other research? A doctor who played agent provocateur at the course lectured that most of the information harvested by medical genetics had no practical application, was “not very interesting,” and was largely “a waste of time.” But none of this extinguished McKusick’s “burning interest in mapping.” So often a momentous, paradigm-shifting idea gets smuggled inside a cozy metaphor, and this was true for genetic medicine. In 1975, New York Times science reporter Harold Schmeck Jr. did much to popularize a gene-centric worldview by drawing heavily on McKusick’s adventurous notion of himself as a voyager to “chromosomal continents,” the expeditionary mapmaker of “uncharted terrain.”

Steve continued to visit McKusick at Hopkins mostly to determine whether his aorta was dilating. Steve admired and spoke highly of McKusick. He found him gracious and well mannered, calm and tolerant. At a checkup in the 1980s, McKusick asked Steve what he was up to. My brother was early into his 33-year career as a cartographer with the federal government. “The two of us are not so different,” McKusick said. “I’m a cartographer, too. I map genes.” This made him the cartographer of my cartographer brother’s affliction. I used to think that Steve liked maps because their point of view normalized his own. In cartography, the view from high up is the privileged one. As for McKusick, he later wrote, “I am not certain why … I became enthralled with mapping genes on human chromosomes.” It would be useful for “understanding the basic derangements in birth defects,” but his inspirations were also visceral. There “are people, and I am one, for whom mapping has an intrinsic attraction.”

The completion of the genome map gave a powerful boost to the authority of the genetic code as a set of instructions for our identities. In McKusick’s term, a map “confers a concreteness” to genetics. Before the map existed, a patient with mild symptoms could still pass as genetically normal and the concept of physical normalcy itself maintained a tensile ambiguity owing to incomplete genetic knowledge. But as it became apparent that the human genome would be decoded in his lifetime, McKusick, an instinctive humanist, anticipated that the future of genetic medicine would seek to accommodate, not edit, human variation (although he did predict “gene surgery” as early as 1981). It would involve “gene screens” and “interpreting the results to individuals, and designing programs to make the most of the strong points … and to avoid troubles from some of the weak points.” McKusick believed that maps drew and bound people together—not genotypical subgroups, but all of us.

Inevitably, though, maps define boundaries that group people within and exclude them without. People create maps, and then maps create them. In the 1990s, epidemiologist Abby Lippman criticized the genome map for defining normal and abnormal as a genetic construct, not a social one. Yet mapping is, as much as anything else, a political and cultural project. The genetic normal began as a gray zone. Then it became a binary, and then, over time, with the genome mapped, it became slyly normative. James Watson, the co-discoverer of DNA structure, wrote in 1995 that “the genetic dice will continue to inflict cruel fates on all too many individuals. … Decency demands that someone must rescue them from genetic hells.” In milder terms, the United States Office of Technology predicted, also in 1995, that the Human Genome Project eventually would mean that each of us has “a paramount right to be born with a normal, adequate, hereditary endowment.” In a 1993 New York Times advertising supplement, the March of Dimes described its quest for “perfectly beautiful” and “beautifully perfect” babies—the two standards transposed—“born free of sickness and disability.” Underlying this ideal, wrote feminist scholar Joan Rothschild, is the “imperfect child … who cannot be allowed to happen.”

At one time, these statements were hypotheticals, albeit disturbing ones, but now the innovation to support them is here. Science gallops ahead of ethics. It’s tempting to analogize the relationship between the two to an exquisite, impeccably designed sportscar—a McLaren or a Bugatti—that’s put in the hands of a 16-year-old, who then totals it. After the discovery of a gene responsible for a common form of dwarfism, a scientist went to the annual Little People of America convention and saw a dwarf wearing a T-shirt that said, “Endangered Species.”

Toward the end of his life, McKusick seemed to be grappling with problems of human empathy and solidarity that his own work as a founder of genetic medicine had provoked. Did the “mere existence” of the map pose a danger per se, if it risks “distort[ing] the way we think about ourselves and our fellow human beings?” McKusick warned of the “absurdity of determinism, that what we are is a direct and inevitable consequence of what our genome is.” He also worried about “the absurdity of reductionism,” a “misconception that we … know everything it means to be human.” We may lose “profound respect” for the genetic variability that benefits both the species and the individual. The “genetical-commercial complex,” he said, might lead to “the Madison Avenue type of pressure” for couples to make “value judgments” on gametes that would corrode meaningful freedom of choice. “In this era of growing scientific sophistication,” McKusick said in a 1997 interview, “people need to learn to look through a variety of lenses to understand what’s happening.”

How did a gene-centric worldview change perceptions for the physically atypical? For Steve, did it matter to know the mapped location of his mutated gene? Did DNA tell him who he was and write his biography? Did that knowledge afford him absolution, fortitude, insight, solace, or self-knowledge? I think that it did, and it didn’t. Genetic medicine was a double helix that translated everything into nothing and nothing into everything. One story about Steve, and a plausible one, is that the nothing of a minuscule genetic typo became the everything of his fate. His genetic code became the scrivener of his life—and of his sudden death. He died in 2015, just two days shy of his 60th birthday. The cause was a birth defect, inscribed by a gene: his aorta dissected while he was on his daily 30-mile bike ride. He had lived his life with a genetic condition that someday could kill him. Then that someday arrived. Even in death, his genetics dictated things: cremation was delayed because Steve’s body was too long for the standard crematory.

It’s incomprehensibly lopsided—a fate determined by one wrongly transcribed gene in the equivalent of 300 volumes of code. The gene is located at 15q21.1: it’s on the long arm (q) of chromosome 15, at band 21 and sub-band 1. The gene’s molecular location is from base pairs 48,408,306 to 48,645,788. These 237,482 base pairs, like all others, are built of four nucleotides that must be arranged in a precise sequence for the gene to work. In this case, the amino acids are strung together to create fibrillin-1. At position 6169 on this gene, a C (cytosine) is replaced by a T (thymine). Geneticists note the change as “FBN1 Exon 50/c.6169C>T; Arg2057Term.” Because of this genetic typo, an amino acid down the line gets a STOP instead of a GO message. As with Christmas tree lights, one faulty bulb causes the entire string to short out.

One story about Steve is that the nothing of a minuscule genetic typo became the everything of his fate. His genetic code became the scrivener of his life—and of his sudden death.

In December 2013, more than 50 years after he was diagnosed with Marfan and just 20 months before it killed him, Steve got confirmation from the Connective Tissue Gene Tests laboratory in Allentown, Pennsylvania, that he did, indeed, have Marfan syndrome. Then again, McKusick had known it decades ago—just by looking at Steve. The record from my brother’s last visit at Hopkins noted that he was “diagnosed long ago based on clinical features by Dr. Victor McKusick.” Steve’s genetic code might have been a nothing that became everything, but it was also an everything that became nothing. Genes don’t tell us who we are; how we tell about genes tells us who we are. This was McKusick’s insight, now in ethical remission—that much depends on how we create habitats and tell stories, on how much we embrace atypicality as part of a shared human experience rather than a deviation to be palliatively edited. It’s the difference between seeing a little person as locked in a “genetic hell” or as an example of natural variation.

When Jennifer Doudna, the co-inventor of CRISPR, won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2020, along with Emmanuelle Charpentier, the committee enthused that their work was about “rewriting the code of life.” McKusick was a first step in that process; one of his patients, my brother, rewrote the code of a life—his own. In Sapiens, historian Yuval Noah Harari describes the revolution of more than 70,000 years ago, when humans developed the capacity to tell fictional stories and communicate about things that don’t exist. Ever afterward, we have lived in a “dual reality,” of things real and imagined. This sounds like an evolutionary liability. Someone who imagines unicorns squanders time away from prime directives of reproduction and survival. But the opposite is true, Harari asserts, because stories allow humans to bypass the genome. Through storytelling, we can alter behavior quickly and transmit new behaviors to the next generation. We create solidarities and communities around a god, a flag, an idea, or a logo. Other social animals can change only when their DNA changes through a protracted, uncertain evolutionary process in which their behavior is “determined to a large extent by their genes,” Harari writes.

The stories Steve told to himself about himself as an adult bypassed DNA and moved more quickly than mutation, and this made him an early resister to genetic determinism. Although he never stopped jumping at the shadow of the person he was at 15, he embraced ideas and places that freed him from the genome’s conceits. His pool game, where his body fit with the table and motions; libertarianism, with its ferocious individualism that removed genetic determinism, or any kind of determinism, from the equation; and a virtual life that removed physical normalcy, or any kind of physicality, from the picture. Also, he loved sports. He looked always for moments of belonging and found them in the tribe of fans. Steve sent me an email after a memorable Baltimore Ravens victory in 2000 and described how all the fans had felt the energy—“70,000, as one.” As cartographers, my brother and his doctor preferred the painstaking labor of observing and charting variations and then drawing them together into a whole. Sports, not mutations. I learned only at Steve’s memorial service from his acquaintances and colleagues that he had never once mentioned Marfan, the genetic story of his life, to any of them.

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21 hours ago
Epiphyte City
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The Massive Harm of LNG Fracking, Tallied | The Tyee

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Hurried pursuit of a liquefied natural gas windfall in B.C. and Alberta will squander a key component of Canada’s long-term energy security while causing environmental devastation, according to a new report.

Scaling up LNG exports from fracking in the Montney basin that straddles the two provinces almost certainly will jeopardize local water resources, species habitat and the country’s struggling effort to meet climate targets.

And there could be another cost down the road: “The current policy of exploiting the Montney as fast as possible for LNG exports may create risks that gas will be unavailable for other uses in the future.”

This, according to energy analyst David Hughes, author of a comprehensive report called “Drilling into the Montney,” released June 24 by the David Suzuki Foundation.

“The Montney represents Canada’s largest remaining accessible gas resource and is forecast to provide a significant portion of future gas production with or without LNG,” Hughes told The Tyee. “Conventional production from mature gas fields in Canada has declined sharply over the past couple of decades.”

“Production has been made up by unconventional plays like the Montney which can only be accessed with the technology of hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling. And those technologies come with significant environmental impacts in terms of climate change, water consumption, biodiversity loss and land disturbance.”

The Montney basin is an oval-shaped, 96,000-square-kilometre geological formation that stretches on a southeast diagonal from Fort Nelson, B.C., at its top and includes the territories of Treaty 8 First Nations. The Montney currently produces 10 billion cubic feet of methane per day or roughly half of Canada’s total.

Hydraulic fracking, unlike conventional methane drilling, requires costly high energy inputs to drive a brute force technology that cracks open deep rock with highly pressurized blasts of water, toxic chemicals and sand.

After drilling hundreds or thousands of metres vertically into a targeted zone, a fracked well will then follow the target zone with horizontal laterals for two to five kilometres underground.

Tons of a sand-based material called proppant is then injected into these horizontal laterals to keep rock fractures open so gas or liquids (such as highly valued condensate) trapped in the earth can flow into the well.

The technology is so forceful that it has changed seismic patterns in the region and caused significant home-rattling earthquakes in both B.C. and Alberta.

“But without this technology Canada’s gas production would be declining,” noted Hughes.

A vast maw for water and sand

Based on detailed industry drilling data, Hughes calculated that the Montney now consumes 21.7 billion litres of water a year in a region already hit by drought and wildfires accelerated by climate change.

That amount of water is equivalent to the entire flow of the Bow River at Calgary for two days, said Hughes, or enough water to quench the thirst of seven billion humans for one day at three litres per person.

Of that 21 billion litres, nine billion are directly consumed in the B.C. portion of the basin. Future LNG exports could increase that Montney water demand to 35 billion litres a year.

Industry says it currently recycles about 50 per cent of the wastewater it produces.

On average a fracked Montney well now consumes about 23.1 million litres, a 10-fold increase since the industry first started applying hydraulic fracturing nearly 20 years ago.

The industry’s growing need for water mirrors trends in several big shale basins south of the border. Fracked wells in Texas, for example, now use as much as 151 million litres of water. The New York Times recently estimated that the U.S. fracking industry has devoured 1.5 trillion gallons of water since 2011.

That’s the same volume used by tap water consumers in Texas for an entire year.

Surging fracking in the Montney also demands more use of high-quality sand, often mined as far as away as Wisconsin and imported by truck or train. The mining of sand for proppant imposes its own environment costs, including air pollution and groundwater contamination and depletion.

An average fracked well in the Montney now consumes 5,324 tonnes of proppant, a fourfold increase since 2010. This volume of silica, which comes in a variety of sizes, requires, per well, 245 loads with large sand haulers that mostly run on diesel fuel.

One tonne of sand can cover an area of approximately seven square metres at a depth of 10 centimetres. Fracking in the entire Montney devoured five million tonnes of sand last year, amounting to 229,387 truckloads and more than half of all fracking sand used in Canada.

A call to conserve gas for the future

In B.C., fracking has increased methane gas production by 136 per cent since 2005, with the majority of it now extracted from a 39,000-kilometre area centred on Dawson Creek, B.C.

The most productive portions of the Montney lie in B.C. for geological reasons. Alberta spends more energy, water and sand to get less methane from the basin than do B.C. operations.

“There are sweet spots,” said Hughes. “When you look at the data in detail you can see really good wells are relatively scarce and that a lot of gas is coming from lower-productivity wells.”

Hughes calls the Montney “a strategic non-renewable resource” that should be treated as an essential bank for the country’s energy security. According to the Canada Energy Regulator, or CER, the basin will provide between 58 per cent and 63 per cent of all Canadian gas production over the 2024-50 period and will be the primary source for LNG exports.

“Selling it off as fast as possible to foreign markets for short-term gain compromises Canada’s ability to meet climate targets and future energy security and is therefore extremely unwise,” Hughes said.

Just five companies control more than 65 per cent of production in the Montney: Ovintiv, ARC, Tourmaline, Canadian Natural and Petronas. Companies such as Ovintiv boast that provincial royalty percentages are “significantly below average [of] U.S. basins.”

If all six LNG projects currently on the books are built, they would require a gas supply of 6.7 billion cubic feet per day to make their shipments.

That is equivalent to all of British Columbia’s or one-third of Canada’s current production.

The Montney would supply most of this methane because of proximity to the coast.

Climate target numbers fail to add up

The Canada Energy Regulator recently offered three possible pathways for future energy production in Canada in its report “Canada’s Energy Future 2023,” two of which meet Canada’s legislated net-zero carbon target.

In one scenario, Canada and the world actually accomplish this difficult goal. In another, Canada achieves net zero, but the world doesn’t. And in a third scenario, Canada sticks with existing policies and reduces emissions only 16 per cent from 2022 levels by 2050, guaranteeing accelerating climate disorder.

Only in the third scenario, where Canada fails to meet its net-zero commitment, would there be enough gas production to supply all six LNG projects. This would require drilling more than 32,000 wells over the 2024-50 period, increasing water consumption by 62 per cent to 35 billion litres annually and chewing up land equivalent to nearly six city of Vancouver footprints.

In the CER scenario where Canada and the world reach net zero, the LNG Canada Phase 1 and Woodfibre LNG projects that are currently under construction would have to reduce output by 90 per cent in 2045, 20 years before their designed lifetime. Zero gas would be available for other LNG projects. This scenario would still require more than 12,000 new Montney wells by 2050 to meet LNG export and other requirements.

Hughes calculates that the six under-construction and proposed LNG projects would add 10 megatonnes of annual heat-trapping carbon emissions from upstream drilling, fracking, processing and transport — assuming the government is right that emissions intensity can be reduced significantly along the way. That amounts to 16 per cent of British Columbia’s current emissions at a time when both Canada and British Columbia claim they are committed to net-zero emissions by 2050.

As a result, Hughes concludes that approved and proposed LNG plants “will deplete the most economic portions of the basin, ramp up the environmental impacts and make it extremely difficult if not impossible for the country to meet its net-zero carbon targets by 2050.”

Hughes based his report on production data from 16,848 existing wells in the Montney within the commercial database compiled by the Texas company Enverus from government sources.

Hughes, who lives on Cortes Island in B.C., remains one of the country’s top energy analysts. As an earth scientist he has studied the energy resources of Canada and the United States for more than four decades, including 32 years with the Geological Survey of Canada, where he researched unconventional energy resources.  [Tyee]

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22 hours ago
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