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COVID-19 can surge throughout the year | NCIRD | CDC

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Many respiratory virus illnesses peak during the winter due to environmental conditions and human behaviors. COVID-19 has peaks in the winter and also at other times of the year, including the summer, driven by new variants and decreasing immunity from previous infections and vaccinations. You can protect yourself from serious illness by staying up to date with vaccinations, getting treated if you have medical conditions that make you more likely to get very sick from COVID-19, and using other strategies outlined in CDC's respiratory virus guidance.

What CDC knows

In the United States, respiratory virus illnesses typically peak during the fall and winter. These peaks are due to several factors, including human behaviors and environmental conditions that can affect the ability of viruses to survive and spread.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, infections with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have peaked during the winter and also surged at other times of the year. These periodic surges are due in part to the emergence of new variants and decreasing immunity from previous infections and vaccinations. Because the evolution of new variants remains unpredictable, SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus.

What CDC is doing

CDC continues to monitor seasonal trends of COVID-19 and the factors driving these trends, including the emergence of new variants, and to collaborate with state and local health departments, commercial laboratories, and global partners. On June 27, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), an independent advisory group to CDC, recommended that persons ≥6 months of age receive the 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccines when they become available this fall. 

Many respiratory viruses have increased circulation during the winter. Factors that drive these seasonal patterns fall into a few broad categories:

  • Environmental conditions: Temperature and humidity can affect the ability of viruses to survive and spread. Dry conditions, which are particularly common in winter, can cause water to evaporate more quickly from respiratory droplets produced by coughing or sneezing, resulting in smaller particles that last longer in the air and travel longer distances. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, survives longer in colder temperatures, and increased spread has been associated with lower fall/winter temperatures.
  • Immune susceptibility: Dry and cold air interfere with the ability of the body to sweep viruses out of the upper respiratory tract, which is the first line of the immune system's defense. At the population level, protection from prior infection and vaccination wanes over time. This results in more people being susceptible in the winter when respiratory viruses are spreading the most.
  • Behavioral patterns: Spending more time indoors with less ventilation during the colder months, as well as holiday gatherings and travel, can increase spread. That's because viruses spread between people more easily indoors than outdoors in part because the concentration of these particles is often higher indoors. Similar conditions can also happen in summer when people spend more time indoors, keep windows closed while using air conditioning, and travel for summer vacations.

COVID-19 activity tends to fluctuate with the seasons, meaning it has some seasonal patterns. Data from four years of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths show that COVID-19 has winter peaks (most recently in late December 2023 and early January 2024), but also summer peaks (most recently in July and August of 2023). There is no distinct COVID-19 season like there is for influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). While flu and RSV have a generally defined fall/winter seasonality and circulate at low levels in most parts of the United States in the summer, meaningful COVID-19 activity occurs at other times of the year.

Understanding when COVID-19 tends to peak helps to better tailor public health prevention strategies and recommendations, prepare our healthcare system, and allocate resources. That's especially important because the winter peak tends to overlap with those for flu, RSV, and many other viruses. Getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine in the fall can help better protect you through the winter peak. People who might benefit from additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine this summer include those who are:

  • 65 years of age and older,
  • Moderately or severely immunocompromised or with underlying medical conditions,
  • Living in long-term care facilities,
  • Of any age and have never received COVID-19 vaccine, and
  • Pregnant, especially in late pregnancy.

CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met on June 27 and recommended that persons ≥6 months of age receive the 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccines when they become available this fall. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently selected strains for the vaccine based on currently circulating variants.

The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants has been associated with COVID-19 surges, including an increase in the magnitude of winter peaks and additional peaks at other times of the year. Peaks in COVID-19 activity often, but not exclusively, occur in winter (blue bar in chart, below) and in summer (pink bar in chart). New variants, such as Delta and Omicron, contributed to several peaks.

Although the future pace of SARS-CoV-2 evolution is unpredictable, surges outside the winter season will likely continue as long as new variants emerge and immunity from previous infections and vaccinations decreases over time.

CDC continues to track the emergence of new variants through genomic sequencing, in collaboration with state and local health departments, commercial laboratories, and global partners. CDC also continues to monitor trends in COVID-19 to inform vaccine recommendations, and to publish weekly data so that the public can make informed decisions regarding their individual risk throughout the year.

Percentage of positive SARS-CoV-2 tests reported to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) -- March 2020 to June 2024

This past winter, COVID-19 peaked in early January, declined rapidly in February and March, and by May 2024 was lower than at any point since March 2020. Over the past few weeks, some surveillance systems have shown small national increases in COVID-19; widespread as well as local surges are possible over the summer months. Although COVID-19 is not the threat it once was, it is still associated with thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each week in the United States, and can lead to Long COVID.

During the summer and throughout the year, you can use many effective tools to prevent spreading COVID-19 or becoming seriously ill. CDC’s Respiratory Virus Guidance provides recommendations and information that can help people lower their risk from many common respiratory viral illnesses. These actions can help protect yourself and others from health risks caused by these viruses.

COVID-19 is here to stay, but taking simple actions will help protect you and your loved ones from infection and serious illness.

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2 hours ago
Glad to see this update
Epiphyte City
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The Interplay of Co-infections in Shaping COVID-19 Severity: Expanding the Scope Beyond SARS-CoV-2 - ScienceDirect

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Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


Acute respiratory distress syndrome


Angiotensin II (AngII) type 1 (AT1) receptor


Bacille Calmette-Guerin


C-C chemokine receptor type 5


Clusters of differentiation 4


Central Nervous System


Coat protein homologs


Coronavirus disease of 2019


Carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae


Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte


C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4


Epithelial–mesenchymal transition


Envelope protein


Extracellular signal-regulated kinase

GI tract

Gastrointestinal tract


Glucose Regulated Protein 78,000


Avian influenza H5 subtype


Human bronchial epithelial cell


Human immunodeficiency virus


High-resolution computed tomography


Intercellular adhesion molecule


Type 2 innate lymphoid cells


Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase


Interferon-regulatory factor


Interferon-stimulated gene


Inter-Alpha-Trypsin Inhibitor Heavy Chain 4


Lipid-associated membrane proteins


Mitogen-activated protein kinase


Middle East respiratory syndrome


Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-Like Pseudokinase


Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Myeloid differentiation primary response 88


Nuclear factor kappa B

NK cells

Natural killer cells


Nucleotide oligomerization domain

N protein

Nucleocapsid protein


Nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2


Nonstructural protein 1


Pathogen associated molecular pattern


Receptor-binding domain


Retinoic acid-inducible gene I


Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase


Reactive oxygen species


Respiratory syncytial virus


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2


Systemic lupus erythematosus


Signal transducers and activators of transcription


Transforming growth factor


Tumour necrosis factor-inducible protein


Transmembrane protease, serine 2


Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule


World Health Organization

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2 hours ago
Epiphyte City
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Multiple Nations Enact Mysterious Export Controls On Quantum Computers

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MattSparkes writes: Secret international discussions have resulted in governments across the world imposing identical export controls on quantum computers, while refusing to disclose the scientific rationale behind the regulations. Although quantum computers theoretically have the potential to threaten national security by breaking encryption techniques, even the most advanced quantum computers currently in public existence are too small and too error-prone to achieve this, rendering the bans seemingly pointless. The UK is one of the countries that has prohibited the export of quantum computers with 34 or more quantum bits, or qubits, and error rates below a certain threshold. The intention seems to be to restrict machines of a certain capability, but the UK government hasn't explicitly said this. A New Scientist freedom of information request for a rationale behind these numbers was turned down on the grounds of national security. France has also introduced export controls with the same specifications on qubit numbers and error rates, as has Spain and the Netherlands. Identical limits across European states might point to a European Union regulation, but that isn't the case. A European Commission spokesperson told New Scientist that EU members are free to adopt national measures, rather than bloc-wide ones, for export restrictions. New Scientist reached out to dozens of nations to ask what the scientific basis for these matching legislative bans on quantum computer exports was, but was told it was kept secret to protect national security.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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4 hours ago
New York, NY
4 hours ago
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Today, I was so nonplussed that I fell through Alice’s looking glass

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I was ambushed at breakfast this morning. It happened without warning. I was sipping my coffee and reading Jennifer Moorhead’s debut novel ‘Broken Bayou‘. I was five chapters in and things were going pretty well. Our heroine was in a diner in her long-escaped-from hometown, having breakfast with Travis, a Deputy she knew from way-back-when. They were discussing the discovery in the bayou of barrels containing dead bodies. I was fine until I read this:

“Travis.” A disturbing thought pops into my head. “Could this be a serial killer?” He shrugs, nonplussed, as if I’ve asked if he wants more coffee.

Moorhead, Jennifer. Broken Bayou (p. 57). Thomas & Mercer. Kindle Edition.

At that point, I was nonplussed, meaning that I was so perplexed that I couldn’t move forward. How could “He shrugs, nonplussed,” be followed by “as if I’ve asked if he wants more coffee”? Surely Travis, wouldn’t find an offer of more coffee confusing.

I was on page fifty-seven of the novel at this point. The rest of it had been well-written and free from the editorial mishaps that some ebooks are prone to, so I couldn’t understand why Jennifer Moorhead was using nonplussed to mean the opposite to what I thought it meant. I lost all interest in dead bodies in barrels. I needed to solve the mystery why nonplussed was being used this way.

I should explain that I’m a little geeky when it comes to words. I own three etymological dictionaries that I’ve had since long before anybody asked Siri anything. I like to know what words mean, why they mean that and where they came from.

I checked with my Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary (yes, I know we’re not in that century anymore but it was the latestt edition when I bought it) and it offered:

nonplus non’ plus n. a state in which no more can be done or said – great difficulty. v.t. to perplex completely, to make uncertain what to say or do: –pr.p non’plussing; pa. t. and pa. p. non’plussed. [L. non, not, plus, more.]

I cross-checked with my Chambers Dictionary of Etymology which offered the same definition and told me that this word, derived from the Latin, had been in use in English since 1582.

Still nonplussed, I used DuckDuckGo to search the Internet and the first thing it gave me was:

I read it twice and couldn’t grasp how the same word could have meaning 1. and meaning 2. so I followed the link to Wordnik and found this:

If this was right, then the English still used nonplussed to mean what it had meant since 1583 but US informal usage was beginning to use nonplussed to mean the opposite to what the English meant.

That was when i dropped through Alice’s looking glass and found myself looking up at Humptydumpty

Reluctant to have my world turned upside down by a single Internet source. I went looking for a different US view and found this article from Merriam-Webster “What’s Going On With Nonplussed?” which offered a descriptivist explanation that reminded me of why I distrust descriptivism‘s eagerness to believe that a self-seeded set of weeds and wild grasses should be accepted as a garden.

The article, which is actually quite fun if your a word person, says:

“There’s a new sense of nonplussed that people have been using, and…well, we’d just like to give you fair warning in case our descriptivist nature causes us to take action. This new sense appears to stem from a mistaken belief that the first three letters of nonplus are there to indicate that someone is something other than “plussed” (although what being plussed would entail here remains a mystery).

When I looked up the Merriam-Webster Dictionary entry for nonplussed, I found this:

I guess this makes me a language purist. I still deeply regret that US writers now use ‘kneeled’ when I’d expect them to use ‘knelt’ or ‘weeped’ when I’d prefer ‘wept’ but I can at least see that as a triumph of the regular over the irregular. I find myself completely unwilling to accept the inversion of the meaning of a word based on a misattribution of a prefix. This seems to me to be a triumph of ignorance over knowledge.

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4 hours ago
Epiphyte City
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Israel has approved ‘largest West Bank land grab in 30 years’, watchdog says | Israel | The Guardian

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Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in more than three decades, according to a report released by an Israeli anti-settlement watchdog, a move that will exacerbate the escalating tensions surrounding the conflict in Gaza.

Peace Now said authorities recently approved the appropriation of 12.7 sq km (nearly 5 sq miles) of land in the Jordan valley, indicating it was “the largest single appropriation approved since the 1993 Oslo accords”, referring to the start of the peace process.

Settlement monitors say the recent land acquisition links Israeli settlements along a crucial corridor adjacent to Jordan, a development they say threatens the formation of a future Palestinian state.

Israel occupied the West Bank, capturing it from Jordan, in the six-day war of 1967. Since then, successive governments have made efforts to permanently cement Israeli control over the land, in part by declaring large swathes as “state lands”, which prevents private Palestinian ownership.

The recent land seizure, which was approved late last month but only publicised on Wednesday, comes after the seizure of 8 sq km of land in the West Bank in March and 2.6 sq km in February.

Peace Now says the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, “are determined to fight against the entire world and against the interests of the people of Israel for the benefit of a handful of settlers”.

“Today, it is clear to everyone that this conflict cannot be resolved without a political settlement that establishes a Palestinian state alongside Israel,” the group added. “Still, the Israeli government chooses to actually make it difficult.”

UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric called it “a step in the wrong direction,” adding that “the direction we want to be heading is to find a negotiated two-state solution”.

In a leaked recording captured by Peace Now, Smotrich, during a conference for his National Religious Party-Religious Zionism, disclosed that the land confiscations in 2024 surpassed previous years’ averages by approximately tenfold.

“This thing is mega-strategic and we are investing a lot in it,” Smotrich said. “This is something that will change the map dramatically.”

In May 2023, Smotrich, who said his “life’s mission is to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state”, had instructed Israeli government ministries to prepare for 500,000 more Israeli settlers to move into the occupied West Bank.

On 20 June, the Guardian revealed how the Israeli military has quietly handed over significant legal powers in the West Bank to pro-settler civil servants working for Smotrich.

An order posted by the Israel Defense Forces on its website on 29 May transfers responsibility for dozens of bylaws at the Civil Administration – the Israeli body governing in the West Bank – from the military to officials led by Smotrich at the defence ministry.

Since 7 October, settlers have stepped up beatings and attacks, forcing Palestinians to flee to nearby towns, and there has been an increase in army home demolitions.

Late in June, Israeli soldiers have destroyed 11 homes and other structures in Umm al-Kheir, a village in the occupied West Bank, leaving 50 people homeless, while early in July they fired live ammunition and teargas at six Palestinian villagers, including four women and a five-year-old girl.

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7 hours ago
I’ve seen a lot of folks justifying taking over Gaza because of Hamas, but Israel ramped up displacement and land grabs - and violence - in the West Bank immediately after October 7.

It’s not about Hamas, it’s about stealing the land and genocide.
Epiphyte City
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Three-year outcomes of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 | Nature Medicine

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Ethics statement

This study was approved by the institutional review board of the VA St. Louis Health Care System, which granted a waiver of informed consent (protocol number 1606333).

Study design and setting

This study was conducted using the electronic health databases of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA operates the largest nationwide integrated healthcare system in the United States, including 1,321 healthcare facilities (172 medical centers and 1,138 outpatient sites) serving more than 9 million US veterans each year. Veterans enrolled in the VA healthcare system have access to a comprehensive array of medical services, including outpatient care, inpatient care, prescriptions, mental care, home healthcare, primary care, specialty care, geriatric and extended care, rehabilitation services, medical equipment and prosthetics.

Data sources

The electronic medical databases of the VA house comprehensive information on outpatient and inpatient encounters, laboratory test results and medications during routine healthcare encounters and are updated daily


. Data sources also included the VA Beneficiary Identification Record Locator System, the Medicare Vital Status File, the Social Security Administration Master File and the National Cemetery Administration. We used the inpatient and outpatient domains of the VA Corporate Data Warehouse databases to obtain information on diagnoses and procedures


. The outpatient pharmacy and barcode medication administration domains were used to obtain data on pharmacy records. The laboratory results domain was used to obtain data on laboratory measurements. Test results on SARS-CoV-2 infection were obtained from VA COVID-19 Shared Data Resource, which consisted of results from polymerase chain reaction tests, antigen tests conducted in the VA or tests reported to the VA


. Medicare inpatient and outpatient data were from the VA Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The area deprivation index (ADI) was used as a summary metric of contextual socioeconomic disadvantage (income, education, employment and housing quality)




A flowchart showing the cohort construction is presented in Extended Data Fig.


. We first identified the exposure group with a first SARS-CoV-2 infection between 1 March and 31 December 2020 (


 = 149,459). We then selected those individuals who are VA users, defined as having at least two healthcare encounters separated by at least 180 d in the 2 years before the infection (


 = 143,034). To examine the risk of PASC, we selected individuals who were alive at 30 d after the infection, yielding an analytic cohort of 135,161 individuals in the COVID-19 group. Hospitalization within the acute phase was defined as inpatient admission date within 7 d before or within 30 d after the positive test. The COVID-19 group was then further divided by the care setting during the acute phase of infection into non-hospitalized (


 = 114,864) and hospitalized (


 = 20,297) COVID-19 groups. The date of positive SARS-CoV-2 test was defined as


, and the follow-up started from 30 d after


. Participants were followed until death, repeated SARS-CoV-2 infection, 1,080 d after the first infection or 31 December 2023.

To construct a control group without SARS-CoV-2 infection, we first identified 6,231,638 individuals who were alive on 1 March 2020 and did not have a positive SARS-CoV-2 test between 1 March 2020 and 30 March 2021. We then randomly assigned T0 for the control group based on the distribution of T0 in the overall COVID-19 group to ensure that the proportion of participants started at a specific date was the same between the COVID-19 group and the control group; 6,194,973 participants were alive at the randomly assigned T0. Similar to the COVID-19 group, we also required the control group to have encountered the VA healthcare system on at least two occasions separated by at least 180 d in the 2 years before the assigned T0, yielding a final analytical cohort of 5,206,835 participants in the control group without infection. The follow-up started from 30 d after T0, and participants were followed until death, a SARS-CoV-2 infection, 1,080 d after T0 or 31 December 2023.


We pre-specified a list of 80 individual outcomes that are well-characterized sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection based on previous evidence


. These outcomes were defined using International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) diagnosis codes, medical prescriptions and laboratory measurements


. Incident outcomes were identified when the outcomes did not occur in the 2 years before


and they were the first occurrences from 30 d after


to the end of follow-up. The individual outcomes were then grouped into 10 organ systems: cardiovascular, coagulation and hematological, fatigue, gastrointestinal, kidney, mental health, metabolic, musculoskeletal, neurological and pulmonary. For overall PASC and outcomes at organ system level, we estimated the number of sequelae as the sum of the occurrence of individual outcomes included in a composite outcome. We additionally used the GBD methodologies to estimate DALYs, which represent a measure of disease burden that accounts for the number of sequelae included and their influence on overall health


. For each individual outcome, a health burden coefficient was assigned


. DALYs were then estimated by the weighted sum of all individual outcomes included in a composite outcome, where weight is the health burden coefficient for each individual outcome




A set of pre-defined covariates was selected based on prior knowledge of potential confounders that may bias the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and PASC


. The demographic covariates included age, self-reported sex, self-reported race (White, Black and Other), ADI at residential address and smoking status (never, former and current smokers). Additional covariates included estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure and body mass index measured before and closest to


. A set of variables defining healthcare utilization included the use of long-term care in the year before the pandemic, receipt of seasonal influenza vaccination each year for up to 5 years before


, the number of inpatient and outpatient Medicare visits in the year before the pandemic, the number of inpatient and outpatient unique medical prescriptions and and the number of inpatient and outpatient laboratory panels in the VA medical system separated by 180-d intervals. Comorbidities included anxiety, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung disease, dementia, depression, diabetes, immunocompromised status (history of organ transplantation, end stage kidney disease, cancer, HIV or prescriptions of corticosteroids or immunosuppressants) and peripheral artery diseases. To account for spatiotemporal variations, we accounted for the calendar week of SARS-CoV-2 infection for the COVID-19 groups or the assigned


for the control group as well as the geographic location of medical service. Missing values included 9.2% for eGFR, 4.9% for systolic and diastolic blood pressure and 10.4% for body mass index. We imputed the missing data using multivariate imputation by chained equations and matching method with predictive mean conditional on all covariates in COVID-19 groups and the control group separately


. All the covariates were measured using a look-back period of 2 years before


unless otherwise specified.

Statistical analyses

The COVID-19 group was separated by care setting during the acute phase into two mutually exclusive groups: non-hospitalized and hospitalized COVID-19 groups. Baseline characteristics of the COVID-19 groups and the control group without infection were reported. Continuous variables were reported as means (standard deviations), and categorical variables were reported as frequencies (percentages). Standardized mean differences were computed to evaluate covariate balance between COVID-19 groups and the control group without infection, where a value of less than 0.1 was considered evidence of good covariate balance. An analytic flowchart is presented in Extended Data Fig.



Inverse probability weighting was used to balance baseline differences between the two COVID-19 groups and the control group without infection


. Logistic regression models were constructed to estimate the probability of being assigned to the target group given the pre-specified covariates (propensity score). To provide a representative risk assessment, we selected the overall population (COVID-19 groups and the control group) as the target population. The inverse probability weights for all three groups were then computed as the propensity score divided by (1 − propensity score). We truncated the propensity score weights at 99.9% percentiles in each group (the control, non-hospitalized COVID-19 and hospitalized COVID-19 groups) to reduce the influence of excessively large weights on the analytical results. We estimated the risk of death and the risk of sequelae at the levels of overall PASC, organ systems and individual outcomes in the weighted cohorts during three time periods: 30–360 d (first year), 361–720 d (second year) and 721–1,080 d (third year) after


. To estimate the risk of incident outcome in each period, participants were considered at risk if the examined outcome did not occur in the previous period. We estimated the propensity score weights independently within each period and applied the weights from different periods into one outcome model to estimate the risks and cumulative burden. Participants were censored at the time of death or SARS-CoV-2 infection during follow-up for both COVID-19 groups (non-hospitalized and hospitalized) and the control group.

IRRs, absolute rates, absolute rate differences, cumulative rates, cumulative rate differences for death, the number of sequelae and DALYs were estimated from weighted generalized estimating equations using a log link and a Poisson distribution. The rate differences in death, the number of sequelae and DALYs overall and by organ system between COVID-19 groups and the control group without infection were considered as outcomes due to COVID-19. The percentage contribution of number of sequelae and DALYs in each year during the follow-up were estimated for overall PASC and by organ system. The 95% CIs were generated from the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of parametric bootstrapping of 1,000 times based on the point estimates and covariance matrix of the generalized estimating equations


. The number of sequelae and DALYs are reported as rates per 1,000 persons.

In all analyses, a 95% CI of IRR that excluded unity or the number of sequelae and DALYs that excluded zero was considered evidence of statistical significance. Analyses were conducted using SAS Enterprise Guide version 8.3 (SAS Institute), and results were visualized using R version 4.3.2.

Sensitivity analyses

We performed several sensitivity analyses. (1) We estimated doubly robust adjustment models in which the covariates were used in both exposure and outcome models, instead of the primary approach where the covariates were applied only in the exposure model. (2) Instead of the Poisson models in the primary approach, we constructed zero-inflated Poisson models to evaluate how a large number of zero outcomes influences the model fit. (3) Instead of the primary approach where participants were censored at SARS-CoV-2 infection during follow-up, we did not censor participants in the COVID-19 groups upon reinfection and consider reinfection as a natural outcome of the first infection. (4) Instead of using only the pre-defined set of covariates in our primary approach, we additionally adjusted for 100 algorithmically selected high-dimensional covariates


. (5) Instead of defining hospitalization during the acute phase as inpatient admission date within 7 d before or within 30 d after the positive test in the main analyses, we used an alternative definition of hospitalization as inpatient admission date on the day of positive test or within 30 d after the positive test. (6) We truncated propensity score weights at 99.5% percentiles rather than the 99.9% percentiles in the main analyses. (7) We estimated the results among a subsample with complete data on all covariates (


 = 4,432,414, 83.0% of the full sample) to test the consistency of the results with those obtained using multiple imputation for missing data. (8) We estimated the risks based on Fine–Gray models where death and SARS-CoV-2 infection during follow-up were considered as competing risks


. (9) We additionally applied inverse probability of censoring weight to account for non-random censoring due to death or SARS-CoV-2 infection during follow-up across the three groups (the control group without infection and the non-hospitalized COVID-19 and hospitalized COVID-19 groups)


. (10) We alternatively used a narrower definition of PASC that included 73 outcomes instead of the 80 outcomes included in the primary analyses.

Negative outcome control

We used the same analytic approach (outlined above) to examine the association between COVID-19 and incident neoplasms as a negative outcome control in each year during the 3 years of follow-up


. There is no mechanistic support for or clinical evidence of a causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the risk of incident neoplasms. Reproducing the a priori expected null association between COVID-19 and the negative outcome control may reduce concerns about possible spurious biases



Reporting summary

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14 hours ago
Getting sick doesn’t make you stronger
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